知兵聚心 心诚则灵

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实践表明,只有深知兵心、倾注爱心、处事公心、凝聚军心,才能带好兵建好队。一、深知兵心,把战士的思想脉搏摸清楚,经常知道战士想什么。一是把握时机及时知。根据任务特点和战士思想变化规律,及时摸清思想脉搏。如新兵入伍时摸清基本情况和个人愿望;岗位变换时摸清基本态度;考学提干、入党入团、立功受奖、选改士官时摸清真实想法;亲友来队和个人探亲前后摸清思想变化;家乡受灾、家庭变故、婚恋受挫、患病伤残时摸清思想情绪;工作失误、受到批评、被人误解时摸清心理状态;训练强度加大、执行重大任务时摸清思想反映;电话多、来信多、汇款多、要求外出多时摸清想什么。通过准确把握战士思想动态,做到一有思想问题,工作就能及时跟上。二是处处留心经常知。从细微处入手,对兵情真知深知。采取工作看情绪,活动看兴趣,吃饭看饭量,走路看神态和两三百米散散步,两三个人聊聊天,两三分钟谈谈心,两三句话摸摸底等方法,确保对 Practice shows that only by knowing soldiers and hearts, by devoting their love to others and doing their utmost to unite their morale can they build good teams with good soldiers. First, knowing soldiers heart, the soldier’s pulse of thought clear, often know what soldiers think. First, grasp the opportunity to know in time. According to the characteristics of the mission and changes in the law of soldiers, in time to find out the pulse of thought. Such as recruit soldiers to find out the basic situation and personal aspirations; post change time to find out the basic attitude; test learned to do, join the party, meritorious dedication, choose the change of non-commissioned officers to find out the real idea; relatives and friends and team to find out before and after visiting relatives Change of mind; home disaster, family changes, marriage and love frustration, illness and disability to find out the emotions; work mistakes, criticized, misunderstood to find out the psychological state; training intensity increased, the implementation of major tasks to find out the thinking reflect ; More phone calls, more letters, remittances, ask for a long time to find out what to do. By accurately grasping the ideology of warriors, we can work hard to keep up with ideological problems. Second, always pay attention to often know. From the subtle start, know the truth of the military know. Take work to see emotions, activities to see the interest, eat meals, walk to look demeanor and two or three hundred meters to take a walk, two or three personal chat, two or three minutes to talk about the heart, two or three sentences touch the bottom and other methods to ensure that
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