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煤矿矿压名词术语的讨论得到了很多致力于矿压工作的科研、教学和现场生产的科技工作者的热情支持,都认为这是一次很有意义的学术活动,对活跃学术空气、推动矿山压力的研究工作有重要意义,对促进现场矿山压力观测、指导生产实践也有积极的作用。他们积极撰写稿件,参加了讨论。自“讨论”开始至今一年零九个月来,共收到讨论稿56篇,涉及到大量的矿压名词。1982年12月中国煤炭学会岩石力学专业委员会、煤炭部矿山压力情报中心站和本刊编辑部在江苏徐州中国矿业学院共同召开了矿压名词术语中间讨论会。经过讨论,初步整理出88个比较统一的矿压名词,建议取消或暂时不用的有126个,同时,还提出了一些学术上有争议的名词,供大家深入讨论。由于本刊篇幅有限,除在1982年第1—4期全文发表了4位同志的文章外,只能以综述、摘录的形式在今年分3期刊出大部分同志的观点,希广大的作者鉴谅。由于矿山压力作为一门学科发展得还很不成熟,有关的名词术语过去长时期未得到整理、统一,因此,目前有部分名词争议较大,这是很自然的。并且它们的科学性、适用性及其生命力还有待于生产实践的检验,不能期望在短时间内通过一次讨论达到完全统一的目的。因此,本刊准备把这次讨论暂时告一段落。请大家针对讨论中的问题,进一步在生产、科研、教学实践中检验、补充和修正,同时为下一步的讨论作好准备。中国煤炭学会岩石力学专业委员会、煤炭部矿山压力情报中心站和本刊编辑部初步商定,在明年适当的时候,根据大家准备的情况,再召开一次讨论会,以便逐步实现矿压名词的统一。希望大家就如何开好这次讨论会提出建议。最后,向参加和关心这次讨论的作者和读者表示衷心的感谢。 The discussion of mine pressure nomenclature has received many enthusiastic support from scientists, researchers and field workers who work on mine pressure. They all think this is a very meaningful academic activity, which is of great significance to active academic air and mine pressure Of the research work of great significance, to promote on-site mine pressure observation, to guide the production practice also has a positive effect. They actively wrote the manuscript and participated in the discussion. A total of 56 discussion papers have been received since the “Discussion” one year and nine months ago, involving a large number of mine pressure nouns. In 1982 December China Coal Society of Rock Mechanics Committee, Ministry of Coal Mine Pressure Information Center and the editorial department in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China Mining Institute jointly held mine nomenclature intermediate seminar. After discussion, preliminary sorting out 88 more uniform mine nouns, it is recommended to cancel or temporarily do not have 126, at the same time, also proposed a number of academic terms controversial, for your in-depth discussion. Due to the limited length of this publication, except for the articles published in the first four days of 1982 by the four comrades in full text, the views of most of the comrades can only be published in three phases this year in the form of an overview and excerpt. Forgive As mine pressure has not yet developed as a discipline, the terminology used in the past has not been consolidated and unified in the past long term. Therefore, it is quite natural that some of the nouns have been disputed so far. And their scientific nature, applicability and their vitality have yet to be tested in production practice and can not be expected to achieve the goal of complete reunification through a discussion within a short period of time. Therefore, we are prepared to put this discussion to a temporary halt. Ask everyone to examine, supplement and correct further the problems in discussion during production, scientific research and teaching practice, and prepare for the next discussion. China Coal Society of Rock Mechanics Committee, Ministry of Coal Mine Pressure Information Center Station and the editorial department initially agreed that at an appropriate time next year, according to the preparation of the situation, and then held a seminar in order to gradually achieve the unity of mine nouns. I hope everyone will make suggestions on how to start the seminar. Finally, I’d like to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the authors and readers who participated in and expressed their interest in this discussion.
【摘要】游戏是儿童的天性,幼儿时期其知识的积累和经验的形成,都与幼儿游戏行为分不开。而当前幼儿园里的幼儿教师在游戏指导思想、游戏内容选材、游戏指导方式、指导策略等环节中存在着诸多问题,要想彻底解决上述问题,让幼儿能够真正快乐玩转地球,就必须深入探讨和研究游戏活动的指导,寻求最佳指导策略,使幼儿游戏活动达到应有的效果和目的。  【关键词】游戏 ; 问题分析 ; 解决策略  【中图分类号】G61 【文
【摘要】青少年时期是身心健康和各项身体素质发展的关键时期。青少年的体质健康水平不仅关系个人健康成长,而且关系整个民族健康素质,是我国人才培养的基石。本文从在一份关于中学生素质调查表展开,分析当今中学生身体素质下降的原因及对策。  【关键词】中学生 ; 身体素质 ; 现状 ; 对策  【中图分类号】G635.5 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)27-0313-01  随着
【中图分类号】G451 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)27-0315-02  2011版《义务教育语文课程标准》指出:语文教学过程中应充分发挥师生双方的主动性和创造性,学生是语文学习的主体,教师是学习活动的组织者和引导者。教师应确立适应社会发展和学生需求的语文教育观念……努力探索新的教学方式,启迪学生智慧,提高语文教学质量。又指出教师应努力改进课堂教学,促进学生语文素
【中图分类号】G76 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)27-0317-01  《上海市辅读学校九年义务教育课程方案》明确指出:以生活适应为核心培养学生的生活自理能力和社会适应能力,加强德育的针对性和实效性,使学生学会交往与合作,形成融入社会的规范。智障儿童普遍胆小怯弱,不爱说话,缺乏自信,合作与交往能力差。为了让他们将来能够适应社会、融入社会,必须掌握最基本的交往技能,
【摘要】美国的教师专业标准的建立经历了阶段性的发展过程。国家的体制、经济发展遇到的挑战、教育面临的困难都对美国教师专业标准的建立与完善产生影响。美国的教师专业标准是由美国的权威认证机构颁布、修订,范围涉及到教师的职前培养、入职资格认定、在职提升职业生涯的全过程,内容涉及教育教学活动的各个方面,专业学科涵盖了美国的中小学和职业学校的学科,是引导教师专业化发展的纲领性文件。  【关键词】专业标准 ;
目的:通过建立大鼠糖尿病动物模型,观察糖尿病时牙周组织中VEGF及IL-6的改变及病理变化,探讨滋阴活血方剂防治作用,为临床中药防治糖尿病牙周炎提供理论依据。 方法:选用6月龄