
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shizex
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  In recent years, some countries including China had a hot wave of enrolling for young civil servants. According to official statistics, in 2014, 1.52 million people took the national civil service examination in China. However, in 2003, the number was only 87,000. In ten years, it rose nearly 18 times and even one thousand people competed for one job. Professor Zhu Lijia of China National School of Administration told the media in the interview, “By the end of 2012, the total number of national civil servant broke through 7 million, increasing nearly 500,000 in 5 years."
  However, recently, in mainland China it has reported the news of the resignation of civil servants, which undoubtedly caused a negative influence on the civil service exam. At the same time, it also made people begin to reflect on the hot enrollment of young civil servants.
  To be a Civil servant becomes popular for a time
  Civil servant, just as its name implies, means “the servant of the public”. Literally, it illuminates a simple reason: “The drive to take up this job is the sense of honor and the determination to serve the public.” Professor Zhu Lijia said in an interview: “In modern countries, the team of civil servants is made up of a group of people with the ability of management who aspire for the general public service and regard social honor higher than the interests of money.”
  In China, civil servants were once the representatives of social elites. Millions of people regarded it as the best occupation. In America, recently, it also had an unprecedented hot wave of “enrolling for civil servants”. According to the report of Hong Kong Media, since 2008, due to the severe American economic and employment situation, there has been a phenomenon that more than 3,000 new positions in government attracted about 300,000 applicants.
  According to a poll in Russia in 2011, civil servant ranked first in the hottest career list. In Germany, some positions are permanent and the employees cannot be fired, so civil servant is also a popular career. A survey of human resource and marketing agency in Germany showed that nearly 20% of German college students want to be a civil servant after graduation. A report of Global Times in 2012 said: “This year Japan has also had an unprecedented boom in national and local civil service exams."   放眼世界,在中国,公务员曾一度被认为是社会精英的代表,一个千万人奉为“香饽饽”的职业。在美国,近年来也掀起了史无前例的“公务员热”。据香港媒体报道,2008年以来,由于美国经济和就业形势严峻,曾出现过三千多个新政府职位引来约30万名申请者竞争的火爆场面。
  Cruel civil service exam
  Despite all kinds of pressures of the civil servants, young people's passions for being" officials in politics" remain. Behind the hot jobs, however, it is the cruel exam. In China, "the highest honor" can only be owned by those who defeat thousands of competitors. Jonathan Finn, commentator of the Guardian in Britain, thought that Chinese young people had no other way to go but experience again and again cruel competitive examinations if they wanted to become civil servants.
  In India, the civil service exam is claimed to be the most difficult test in the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people take the examination, but the acceptance rate is only less than 10 in a thousand. Candidates need to pass three stages, namely qualifying examination, the main test and the interview. It almost needs one year to complete the whole process, and each person has only four chances during his lifetime.
  Britain is the earliest country that puts the system of civil servants into practice in the world. In the selection of civil servants, Britain always maintains the traditional consciousness that “people who have received higher education are more suitable to be leaders". Therefore, the difficulty of civil service exam is one of the main reasons that college students are not keen on registering for the examination. According to statistics, most of British civil servants are outstanding graduates from Cambridge, Oxford and other famous comprehensive universities. The biggest characteristic of British civil service exam is "the intelligence test on thinking". After the general test, professional test and the interview, the candidates may be employed if they are on the top three levels (there are a total of seven levels). Newly hired officials can be formally employed after two years’ probation.
  In France, the civil service exam is also very competitive. French civil service system is divided into politics and business. Civil service exam of business is generally divided into written and oral examination. The examination’s content includes politics, economy, culture, Constitution, history, etc. The positions such as diplomatic personnel and advisers to the government require that the candidates have high academic qualifications and the elimination rate of selection is very high.   英国是世界上最早实行公务员制度的国家。在公务员选拔方面,英国一直保持着“接受过优良高等教育的人更适合担任领导”的传统意识。因此,公务员难考是英国大学生并不热衷报考公务员的重要原因之一。据统计,英国公务员大多为剑桥、牛津等名牌综合性大学的优秀毕业生。英国公务员考试最大的特色就是“智力测验考思维”,历经统测、专业素质、面试答辩后,进入前三个等级的方可录用(总共七个等级),新录用的官员一般要经过两年的试用期,才能被正式录用。
  Why civil servants are so attractive to youths
  Though the exam is of high difficulty, countless teenagers enter themselves for the examination of civil servants. Even though various countries in the world have different rules of civil service systems in order to maintain political stability, the job of civil servants is stable and has good benefits, higher social status and comprehensive guarantee, so it attracts many youngsters to take the exam.
  Lin Li is a master student in Beijing Institute of Technology in China. Last year she failed in the exam for the gap of a few points. Recently, she said she would not give up, and have already started preparing for the civil service exam in her hometown. In fact, a lot of people think like Lin Li that they will enjoy the carefree life in their old age and higher social status once they enter into the system.
  Julie Ann, a sophomore majoring in chemistry from Allier University in France, said, "The civil servant is very popular in French. It is a secure job. Although the income is not high, they get the salary of 13 months per year and also enjoy not less than 25 kinds of subsidies." Chinese Radio Network reported that French civil servants enjoyed not less than 25 kinds of subsidies: subsidies on bicycle, clothing, shoes, small ornament, etc.
  In India, civil servant is regarded as the career that can glorify and illuminate ancestors with higher salaries and benefits than other general occupations. Therefore, numerous Indian young people work hard to get the jobs.
  American civil servants can enjoy federal health benefits. The government will bear most of the health care costs. Civil servants have longer paid holidays. Some government departments also help employees to repay their student loans. In addition, different departments have childcare centers in office buildings or to provide childcare subsidies to low-income employees.   In Britain, although civil servants are not well-paid, the welfare is very good. The most important welfare of British civil servants is the pension. The country also has different types of occupational pension insurance system for civil servants. In addition, British civil servants may have flexible schedules, and even time for children’s holidays.
  German civil servants are divided into two kinds: one in tenure system and one elected by people. Even the latter cannot be dismissed in his tenure. Facing the flexible working hours, generous pensions and colorful work life, German youths are willing to be civil servants.
  In ROK, as long as they do not get the criminal punishments above being detained or dismissed, South Korea's civil servants can basically rely on the country for a lifetime. With the career stability and better social security and retirement system, the civil servants are also regarded as having the "profession of god”.
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