Comparing Land Degradation and Regeneration Trends in China Drylands

来源 :测绘学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengweimin
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The aim of this paper is to offer a statistically sound method to make a precise account of the speed of land degradation and regeneration processes. Most common analyses of land degradation focus instead on the extent of degraded areas, rather than on the intensity of degradation processes. The study was implemented for the Potential Extent of Desertification in China ( PEDC) , composed by arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid regions and refers to the period 2002 to 2012. The metrics were standard partial regression coefficients from stepwise regressions, fitted using Net Primary Productivity as the dependent variable, and year number and aridity as predictors. The results indicate that:①the extension of degrading lands (292896 km2 or 9.12%of PEDC) overcomes the area that is recovering (194560 km2 or 6.06% of PEDC);and ② the intensity of degrading trends is lower than that of increasing trends in three land cover types ( grassland, desert, and crops) and in two aridity levels ( semi-arid and dry sub-humid) . Such an outcome might pinpoint restoration policies by the Chinese government, and document a possible case of hysteresis.
本文利用某地共99个GPS水准点的大地高和正常高求取高程异常,使用DOG球面小波模型和多面函数,分别对高程异常进行拟合。拟合时剔除模型残差大于2倍中误差的点,并在剔除粗差后重新进行拟合。通过比较外部检核点的已知高程异常值和球面小波模型值、多面函数拟合值之间的均方差评价模型的精度。数据结果表明,以外部检核均方差最小为准则,球面小波模型拟合精度较优,其拟合精度为1.65 cm,多面函数拟合精度为2.3
The atmospheric carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) concentration has increased to more than 405 parts per million ( ppm. 1 ppm=10-6 m/s2 ) in 2017 due to human activities s
【摘 要】2009年《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明(江苏卷)》中明确说明,古诗文阅读题的分值由过去的34分提高到37分。其中古诗鉴赏简答题从8分变为10分。现代文阅读从20分上升到23分;文科附加题中文言文阅读和名著阅读共计25分。现在不少学校都设置早读和晚读课,可见,大家都意识到诵读是提高语文学习能力的有效途径之一。但是什么是诵读、为什么诵读、如何有效地诵读,却是许多教师和学生均感茫然的区域