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  Felipe, 20, Brazil
  Stop using movie stars as role models, and start caring about things like foreign policy[政策] and the social inequality[不平等] in your country. You might not be able to change them, but having an opinion is a good start.
  Kyle, 19, England
  Please stop overreacting[反应过强]; that gets on my nerves. I see it all the time on American Idolhenever something half-exciting happens, it's h, my God!"and all sorts of[各种各样的] screaming and crying.
  Hans, 20, Germany
  If you meet someone who's interesting, you should get to know them, not just act nice for five minutes. We always make a call later to get to know each other better. But with you, there's no follow-up[跟进].
  Justice, 18, Ghana
  Because you start dating so young, you go through lots of cheaters[骗子] and breakupsnd then you don't trust guys later on. So think deeply about your past relationships[关系]ut know that not all guys are the same!
  Alex, 17, Greece
  Learn where Greece is! Most of you don't know much geography[地理]. If it's not in the US, you act like you don't need to know about it. This country has so much history. You should at least know a little philosophy[哲学] and the origins[起源] of democracy[民主]褀hich started here. This is a great place to be.
  Dhaval, 19, India
  Don't have such a superior[高傲的] attitude about yourselves or look down on Asians. I don't know if it's a first-world-versus[对]-third-world thing, but I once met with a friend to watch a basketball game in the US, and a few girls giggled[哈哈地笑] and made a nasty[令人厌恶的] remark[话] about how they wondered if I had even heard of the game before.
  Simon, 19, Sweden
  Please stop burping[打嗝] in public! Girls in Sweden don't ever burp when they're around guys because it's really not attractive. And guys don't do it around girls out of respect. But in America, I've seen good-looking girls have super-loud and nasty burps that made the whole room go quiet't made me feel like puking[呕吐]! I think it's funny but messed up.
I keep a two-dollar bill in my wallet. My mother gave it to me when I was six years old. I am not 1)superstitious, but the bill goes with me wherever I go. My mother gave it to me so that luck would f
Today's Hollywood is no longer just the 1)cradle of movies. 2)Mainstream movie directors are looking to create video games to share the 3)enormous video game 4)profits. A few well-known directors in H
The latest fashion on British TV is Reality TV. Reality TV means that shows follow and film ordinary people in an artificial[模拟的] situation. This could be at work, or in some kind of competition.  One
For years those becoming British citizens simply had to swear an 1)oath of 2)allegiance in front of a lawyer and then receive a 3)certificate in the post. But in 2004, Britain introduced a 4)compulsor
In the new age of hip, young, Web-savvy[知晓] Chinese, you don't say goodbye with an old-fashioned Chinese word. You sign off your messages with a cheery[愉快的] "8友a phrase that baffles[困惑] parents and ho
What was the Temple of Solomon?  1)According to the Bible, it was the Israelites?first 2)permanent ouse?of God, built specifically to house the 3)Ark of the Covenant. The Ark ?a gold covered wooden ch
在信封正面的左上角,写上发信人姓名、地址。在信封上面中央偏左一点,写收信人的姓名、地址(如图1)。如果信封的正面写不下发信人的姓名和地址也可写在信封反面的三角尖上(见下图2)。英文书信的地址应从小写到大,先写门牌号码,再写街道、城镇、省或州及邮政编码,最后是国家名称。国家名称的每一个字母都要大写。    如果信件不是邮寄,而是托人转交,可在信封的左下角写上Kindness of...(受托人的姓名
摘 要:本科毕业论文(设计)是实现高等院校人才培养目标的重要教学环节,但是近年来,毕业论文的质量受到诸多因素的影响冲击出现滑坡,本文从目前高校毕业论文的现状、问题进行分析,从管理监控的角度,提出加强毕业环节质量建设的若干对策。  关键词:管理监控;质量;管理体系    毕业论文(设计)(下文简称“毕业论文”)是实现高等院校人才培养目标的重要教学环节,在本科教学工作水平评估中,它被作为一个重要的二级
年轻的时候,如果你爱上了一个人,请你一定要温柔地对待他/她。不管你们相爱的时间有多长或多短,若你们能始终温柔相待,那么,所有的时刻都将是一种无瑕的美丽。若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢他/她给了你一份记忆。长大了以后,你才会知道,在蓦然回首的刹那,没有怨恨的青春才会了无遗憾,就如同山冈上那轮静静的满月。    圣·瓦伦丁的故事    Let me introduce my