Interendoscopist variability in proximal colon polyp detection is twice higher for serrated polyps t

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahzhangxz
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AIM To assess the interendoscopist variability in the detection of colorectal polyps according to their location and histological type.METHODS This study was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from a regional colorectal cancer(CRC) screening program; 2979 complete colonoscopies from 18 endoscopists were included. Variability in performance between endoscopists for detection of at least one adenoma(A), one proximal adenoma(PA), one distal adenoma(DA), and one proximal serrated polyp(PSP) was assessed by using multilevel logistic regression models.RESULTS The observed detection rates among the 18 endoscopists ranged from 24.6% to 47.6%(mean = 35.7%) for A, from 19.1% to 39.0%(mean = 29.4%) for DA, from 6.0% to 22.9%(mean = 12.4%) for PA, and from 1.3% to 19.3%(mean = 6.9%) for PSP.After adjusting for patient-level variables(sex, age), the interendoscopist detection rates variability achieved a significant level for A, PA, and PSP but not for DA(P = 0.03, P = 0.02, P = 0.02 and P = 0.08, respectively). This heterogeneity, as measured by the variance partition coefficient, was approximately threefold higher for PA(6.6%) compared with A(2.1%), and twofold higher for PSP(12.3%) compared with PA.CONCLUSION These results demonstrate significant interendoscopist variability for proximal polyp particularly for serrated p o l y p s, b u t n o t f o r d i s t a l a d e n o m a d e t e c t i o n. These findings contribute to explain the decreased effectiveness of complete colonoscopies at preventing proximal CRCs and the need to carefully assess the proximal colon during scope procedure. AIM To assess the interendoscopist variability in the detection of colorectal polyps according to their location and histological type. METHODS This study was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from a regional colorectal cancer (CRC) screening program; 2979 complete colonoscopies from 18 endoscopists were included . Variability in performance between endoscopists for detection of at least one adenoma (A), one proximal adenoma (PA), one distal adenoma (DA), and one proximal serrated polyp (PSP) was assessed by using multilevel logistic regression models. from detection of detection ranges among the 18 endoscopists ranged from 24.6% to 47.6% for A, from 19.1% to 39.0% for (mean = 29.4%) for DA from 6.0% to 22.9% (mean = 12.4% for PA, and from 1.3% to 19.3% (mean = 6.9%) for PSP. After adjusting for patient-level variables (sex, age), the interendoscopist detection rates variability achieved a significant level for A, PA, and PSP but not for DA (P = 0.03, P = 0.02, P = 0.02 and P = 0.08, respectively). This heterogeneity, as measured by the variance partition coefficient, was approximately threefold higher for PA (6.6%) compared with A (2.1%), and twofold higher for PSP (12.3%) compared with PA.CONCLUSION These results demonstrate significant interendoscopist variability for proximal polyptiz for serrated polyps, but nototraistaladenom adetectio n. These findings contribute to explain the decreased effectiveness of complete colonoscopies at preventing proximal CRCs and the need to carefully assess the proximal colon during scope procedure.
摘 要:国际市场营销学是一门实践性较强的营销专业课程,案例教学法在国际营销教学中扮演着非常重要的角色。本文结合教研室成员国际市场营销学的教学经验,系统分析了案例教学法在国际市场营销中的重要意义,指出了国际市场营销学开展案例教学应遵循的原则,最终构建了较完善的国际市场营销学案例库,对国际市场营销的教学有着积极的意义和指导作用。  关键词:国际市场营销;案例;教学;运用  国际市场营销人才是紧缺型人才
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摘 要:提高高中新课程教学中课堂提问的有效性不仅有利于点燃学生创新思维的火花,还能在一定程度上使学生的综合素质得以提升。基于此,本文以高中数学教学为例,从以下几方面分析了高中新课程教学中课堂提问低效的成因,并对此提出了有效的解决策略。  关键词:课堂提问;数学教学;策略  一、 高中新课程教学中课堂提问低效的成因  (一) 缺乏教学情境的提问势必导致低效  教师在开展高中教学活动的过程中往往会出现
矮败小麦的花器结构和开花习性与太谷核不育小麦相似。柱头生活力可达10 d以上,不育株株高仅为可育株的1/2—2╱3,其穗部受可育株上部第1—2片叶的遮蔽而减少了柱头接受花粉
摘 要:矿井中生产的煤炭,作为我国非常重要的能源之一,其占据着十分重要的地位,而我国每年的大量新人技工学员,也源源不断地涌入了这个行业。但是矿井建设具有区别于其他建设的行业独特性,从而在矿井建设这一板块,新人学员根本得不到实践锻炼的机会,从而根本上就达不到矿井建设的教学目的。本文就“理实一体化”教学法的优势以及运用进行分析,希望广大矿井建设教学工作者能够从其中得到感悟。  关键词:“理实一体化”;