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  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  Genre: Fantasy / Adaptation / Adventure
  Theatrical Release: 7/13/2007
  Cast:Daniel Radcliffe
   Emma Watson
   Rupert Grint
  As his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry approaches, 15-year-old Harry Potter is in full-blown adole-scence(青春期), complete with regular outbursts of rage(情绪激动,狂暴), a nearly debilitating(使人衰弱的) crush, and the blooming of a powerful sense of rebellion(叛逆). It’s been yet another infuriating(让人愤怒的) and boring summer with the despicable(可鄙的,卑劣的) Dursleys, this time with minimal contact from our hero’s non-Muggle friends from school. Harry is feeling especially edgy(急躁的) at the lack of news from the magic world, wondering when the freshly revived evil Lord Voldemort will strike. Returning to Hogwarts will be a relief-or will it?
  Genre: Action / Sci-Fi / Adaptation /
  Theatrical Release: 7/4/2007
  Cast: Shia LaBeouf
  Josh Duhamel
  The Earth is caught in the middle of an intergalactic(银河间的) war between two races of robots, the heroic Autobots(汽车人,也叫博派,代表正义的一方) and the evil Decepticons(霸天虎,也称狂派,专门与汽车人作对), which are able to change into a variety of objects, including cars, trucks, planes and other technological creation.
  No Reservations
  Genre: Romantic Comedy
  Theatrical Release: 7/27/2007
  Cast: Catherine Zeta-Jones
  Aaron Eckhart
  A top-notch(顶尖的) female chef’s life is turned upside-down when she must care for her niece following the death of her sister. She now has to adapt to a different lifestyle and uses food as a means to express her roller-coaster(原意是过山车,这里指高低起伏的) life.
“EI Sistema”在英语中指的是“The System”,可译为“音乐救助体系”,它是委内瑞拉以José Antonio Abreu为首的一群音乐家推行的一项教育实践活动。30多年来,这个“音乐救助体系”帮助了委内瑞拉20多万贫民窟的孩子,让他们得以学习乐器,组成乐队,进而爱上音乐,用音乐充实并改变他们的人生。当今炙手可热的青年指挥才俊古斯塔沃·杜达梅尔和广受瞩目的委内瑞拉西蒙·玻利瓦尔青年
My world collapsed at the age of twelve. My parents separated and it was hard for me. Then I experienced something even harder: losing somebody I loved very much.  In my opinion “cancer” is the worst
主题札记:  “人生若只如初见,何事西风悲画扇。”  纳兰容若,这个被称为“李后主后世”的清朝词人,只消这一句便问懵苍生。  从小到大,我们与不同的人相逢、相识、相知。然后,就是不可避免的别离:离开亲人,离开家乡,离开挚友,离开爱人……  曾经固执地以为有些人可以和自己一起走很远,有些东西可以恒久地陪伴在我身边。  可是,很多故事还没上演,就已经落幕;很多人,还没上场,就已走远……  有人说过,“
Stephanie says that she wants to know  Why she’s given half her life, to people she hates now  Stephanie says when answering the phone  What country shall I say is calling from across the world    But
全球权威娱乐杂志People(《人物》)近来公布了“2007年全球最美丽人物”的百人名单。童星出身,曾3度入榜的Drew Barrymore(德鲁·巴里摩尔)居冠;凭借《女王》拿下本届奥斯卡最佳女主角的Helen Mirren(海伦·米兰)也以61岁高龄登上榜单;近来炙手可热的《越狱》男主角Wentworth Miller(温特沃什·米勒)和亚洲新天王Rain都榜上有名。    1. Drew B
Sometimes, it’s a 3)hassle being Harry Potter.   Especially when you’re a 78-year-old man, who happens to share the name of a certain fictional boy 4)wizard who is famous the world over.  Each time a
曾听过一些中国朋友以委屈的口吻说:“很多在中国的外国人,不见得有特别的本事,却能轻而易举地获得收入不菲的好工作,这太不公平了吧。”  不仅是中国人有这种感叹,美国某著名报纸的记者也意识到,中国是个能让外国人名利兼收的好地方。你的筹码不需要你经过后天努力去争取,你的西方脸孔就是一种与生俱来的特殊优势。  正如本文所指出的那样,洋人之所以能走俏中国,原因就在于我们的社会需要一些肤色、文化背景不同的人存
A fair amount of pressure accompanies the statement, “I’m looking forward to the best day of my life.” When the day in question is one’s wedding day, the pressure gets 2)ratcheted up even higher. And,
四季更迭,日月晨昏,韶华渐逝中,发生过也正在发生着很多事情。  生活本无常,故此,人们都努力想保留住那些琐碎的记忆,抓住它们,仿佛就抓住了根。  亦舒曾写道:“命运旅途中,每个人演出的时间是规定的,冥冥中注定,该离场的时候,多舍不得也得离开。”  可能,遥远的东西总是让我们心里多些向往,虽然向往的是什么,我们可能从来也不知道。  ——Eva    It’s been seven years sin