Bistatic weak target detection method using non-cooperative air surveillance radar

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxycsnf
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At present, most of the passive radar system researches utilize FM radios, TV broadcasts, navigation satellites,etc. as illuminators. The transmitted signals are not specifically designed radar waveforms. In this work, the frequency agile, phased array air surveillance radar(ASR) is used as the illuminator of opportunity to detect the weak target. The phased array technology can help realize beam agility to track targets from different aspects simultaneously. The frequency agility technology is widely employed in radar system design to increase the ability of anti-jamming and increase the detection probability. While the frequency bandwidth of radar signals is usually wide and the range resolution is high, the range cell migration effect is obvious during the long time integration of non-cooperative bistatic radar. In this context, coherent integration methods are not applicable. In this work, a parametric non-coherent integration algorithm based on task de-interweaving is proposed. Numerical experiments verify that this is effective in weak target detection. At present, most of the passive radar system researches enable FM radios, TV broadcasts, navigation satellites, etc. As illuminators. The transmitted signals are not specifically designed radar waveforms. In this work, the frequency agile, phased array air surveillance radar (ASR ) is used as the illuminator of opportunity to detect the weak target. The phased array technology can help realize beam agility to track targets from different aspects simultaneously. The frequency agility technology is widely employed in radar system design to increase the ability of anti-jamming and increase the detection probability. While the frequency bandwidth of radar signals is usually wide and the range resolution is high, the range cell migration effect is obvious during the long time integration of non-cooperative bistatic radar. not applicable. In this work, a parametric non-coherent integration algorithm based on task de-interweaving is proposed. Nu merical experiments verify that this is effective in weak target detection.
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