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改革开放35年来,我国社会经济水平进一步提高,市场经济高速发展,人们的物质生活得到极大满足的同时,开始逐步追求精神文化艺术方面的消费,这促使艺术消费市场逐渐发展壮大,艺术消费逐渐大众化,大众审美逐渐成为艺术消费探讨的焦点。本文正是基于这一点,在大众审美中来探讨艺术消费,主要从大众审美中的艺术消费和艺术消费的大众性来论述二者的关系,最后分析了大众审美对艺术消费的影响。 In the 35 years since the reform and opening up, China’s social and economic development has been further improved. With the rapid development of the market economy and the material satisfaction of the people, it has gradually begun to pursue consumption in spiritual, cultural and artistic fields. This has prompted the art consumer market to gradually develop and grow, Popularity, popular aesthetic gradually become the focus of art consumption. Based on this point, this article explores the artistic consumption in the aesthetic appreciation of the public, discusses the relationship between the two mainly through the mass consumption of the art consumption and art consumption in the aesthetic appreciation of the public, and finally analyzes the impact of the popular aesthetic on the artistic consumption.
AIM To evaluate the efficacy of a newly developed dilator for endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)-guided drainage(ES Dilator).METHODS Fourteen consecutive patients who h
《纺织标准与质量》是面向全国纺织、服装企事业单位、大商场和大专院校及技术监督、内外贸、军工、轻工、商检、消防等行业的各级主管领导和技术人员的双月刊 ,刊号为 :ISSN1 0
论著类文章的英文摘要部分是将文章的内容要点向国内外英文读者介绍的必要方式。过去本刊曾刊登过对英文摘要内容及书写格式等方面的要求 ,但目前本刊英文摘要仍存在一些不足
红日 白雪 蓝天……乘东风 飞来报春的群雁。从太阳升起的北京启程,飞翔到 宝塔山头,落脚在 延河两岸。欢迎你们啊, 突击队的新战友; Red sun and snow sky ... ... fly by
工作压力不仅损害个人健康,对企业,乃至经济都可能带来损害。 Work pressure not only damages personal health, but also damages businesses and even the economy.
对加拿大电子商务水平的评价 通过调查看出,互联网已作为一种通讯工具,被加拿大的政府、企业、家庭广泛使用;在电子商务方面,大多数的政府部门、企业、家庭应用电子商务, 19