,Regulation of aerobic glycolysis to decelerate tumor proliferation by small molecule inhibitors tar

来源 :蛋白质与细胞 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenfenglianxi
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Dear Editor,Different from normal differentiated cells,metabolic reprogramming was spotted in cancer cells,due to increased demand for energy and macromolecule synthesis during their rapid proliferation (Hanahan and Weinberg,2011;Pavlova and Thompson,2016).Most cancer cells prefer anaerobic glycolysis even with oxygen in the environment due to its higher speed to produce macromolecular materials required for biosynthesis (Vander Heiden et al.,2009;DeBerardinis and Chandel,2016).But to compensate for the lower efficiency of anaerobic glycolysis in producing ATP,these cancer cells demand much higher glucose supply (Warburg,1956;Vander Heiden et al.,2009).These metabolic characteristics point to the huge demand of cancer cells for carbohydrate substrates,which creates the possibility of treating tumors by exploiting this feature (Patra et al.,2013;DeBerardinis and Chandel,2016).
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