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2001年,人类迈入了一个崭新的世纪。新的100年里,中国面临的首要任务就是积极推进现代化建设。在机遇和挑战面前,中国怎样才能实现跨越式发展,在未来50年赶上世界中等发达国家水平?3月5日,朱总理提交九届全国人大四次会议审议的“十五”计划《纲要》(草案)提出,“十五”期间要进一步推进科技进步和创新,提高持续发展能力,力争在主要领域跟住世界先进水平;“十五”计划草案提出,要加强信息基础设施建设。在全社会广泛应用信息技术,把工业化和信息化很好地结合起来。政协大会上,委员们普遍认为,以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,实现社会生产力的跨越式发展,既是一项高瞻远瞩的重大战略决策,也是迈向新世纪和现代化的必由之路。 In 2001, mankind entered a new century. In the new 100-year period, China’s primary task is to actively promote modernization. In the face of opportunities and challenges, how can China achieve leap-forward development and catch up with the world’s moderately developed countries in the next 50 years? On March 5, Premier Zhu submitted to the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” reviewed by the Fourth Session of the Ninth NPC “Outline” “(Draft) proposed that during the ”10th Five-Year Plan“ period, we must further advance scientific and technological progress and innovation, increase the capacity for sustainable development, and strive to keep up with the world’s advanced level in major areas; the draft of the ”Tenth Five-Year Plan" proposes to strengthen the construction of information infrastructure. Widespread use of information technology in the entire society has brought about a good combination of industrialization and informationization. At the CPPCC session, members generally believed that the use of informatization to promote industrialization, giving play to the advantage of later development, and achieving a leap-forward development of social productivity were both a major strategic decision for farsightedness and a necessary path to the new century and modernization.
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