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  小兰 译
  Once America’s most misbehaving celebrities were over-sexed young men. From the 2)Rat Pack of 3)Frank Sinatra and 4)Dean Martin to the 5)Brat Pack of 6)Robert Downey Jr. and 7)Rob Lowe, the emphasis was on male stars who liked to drink and party hard.
  Now the tabloid headlines are dominated by the out-of-control antics of young women. After
  8)Lindsay Lohan was arrested (again) and 9)Britney Spears suffered another public 10)meltdown, the Bad Boys of Hollywood have turned into Bad Girls; the Brat Pack has become the Britney Pack.
  That there has been a huge gender shift is in little doubt. From genuine Hollywood stars such as Lohan and once-fine singers like Spears to fame-seeking missiles such as heiress 11)Paris Hilton and her 12)sidekick 13)Nicole Richie, the emphasis is on sex, 14)booze, drugs, arrests and stints in jail. “It seems like there has been an explosion of this sort of behaviour with our young women stars,” said Gayle Murphy, a celebrity interviewer who has written a book on how stars should deal with the press.
  The 15)roll call of misbehaviour is 16)staggering. Lohan was arrested in the 17)small hours for allegedly drunk-driving on July 24th, 2007. Apparently she was chasing another car through the streets of Los Angeles. Police found cocaine in her trouser pocket, and a 18)mug shot of a 19)bleary-eyed Lohan then made front pages around the world. The 20)bedraggled star immediately checked herself back into rehab, from which she had emerged only a few weeks earlier proudly wearing an alcohol-detection monitor around her ankle.
  But she was far from alone in the headlines. Spears’s antics actually dumped Lohan off the front pages after OK! magazine published lurid details of a photo-shoot they had conducted with the singer. Spears, apparently under the influence of drugs, ruined the expensive clothes she was wearing for the shoot when she wiped her hands on them after eating a meal, then her dog 21)relieved itself on a $6,700 gown.
  OK!’s description of the experience contained several sentences that no public relations handler would ever want to see, including: “Britney used the restroom repeatedly without bothering to close the door.” Finally, the session collapsed in chaos as Spears and her staff fled still wearing thousands of dollars’ worth of clothing and jewellery.
  Though now is a 22)low point in terms of Hollywood bad girls’ misbehaving, it has hardly been uncommon. There was the trial and conviction of Paris Hilton, whose time in jail for drunk-driving became a national obsession. She emerged from the experience vowing a changed life but has gone right back to being a regular feature on the partying circuit.
  The trend has sociologists and fame-watchers alike wondering what is going on. One possible explanation is that the rise of the Bad Girls is simply a reflection of the generally increasing power and visibility of women in all fields of entertainment. Women have started playing roles in movies usually associated with men (such as action stars). On US television the number of programmes based around strong female roles has jumped massively. Perhaps it is no surprise that some women are following the paths blazed by the more notorious male stars of the past and behaving badly too.
  At the same time, women behaving badly has a novelty factor that attracts massive media coverage. “We have had years of young male stars 23)running amok. It is now so much more fun for the public to see beautiful young women being hauled off to jail,” said Robert Thompson, professor of popular culture at 24)Syracuse University, New York state.
  Besides, there is a wider social acceptance of bad behaviour by young American girls. America is caught in the age of Girls Gone Wild videos which would have been unthinkable a few decades ago. The videos, sold by mail order, normally feature a camera crew searching for girls at parties who are willing to expose their buttocks or breasts and sometimes perform sex acts.
  There is also little doubt that the explosion of new media also plays a role in highlighting and exposing the misdeeds of the Bad Girls. The 25)proliferation
  of celebrity magazines and websites devoted to
  24-hour Hollywood coverage makes the smallest incident into a 26)full-blown news story.
  The result is a celebrity culture in which every misstep of a Lohan, Spears or Hilton is analysed and condemned across the airwaves or broadcast on the internet. This is an environment in which there are now genuine fears that one of the new Bad Girls of Hollywood could make the same fatal mistakes as previous Bad Boys, such as actor 27)River Phoenix, who died at the age of just 23 in 1993 from an overdose of heroin and cocaine after collapsing outside a nightclub on 28)Sunset Strip.
  Could a similar fate await Lohan or Spears or Hilton? After all, according to Murphy, “Hollywood eats its young.” If the new Bad Girls continue their downward spiral, it may be only a matter of time before fame turns tragic.
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