Plan for the world??s first floating island city规划世界首座浮岛城市

来源 :疯狂英语·新策略 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sylviawan
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  The annual 3? to 4?millimeter rise in sea level is expected to impact many coastal communities in the coming decades. Researchers believe that parts of what is arguably the lowest?lying country in the world will become unsuitable for people to live in by 2050, due to wave?driven flooding and limited freshwater. To solve the problem, the Republic of the Maldives recently announced plans for the worlds first “true” floating island city.
  In the works for over a decade, the floating island city is the idea of the Netherlands?based Dutch Docklands, a global leader in floating infrastructure(基础建设). According to the March 13, 2021, announcement, the new city will be constructed on about three?quarter of a square mile, located just 10 minutes by boat from the Maldivian capital, Malé. It will contain about a thousand waterfront residences. The developers plan to add hotels, restaurants, shops, and even a school and a hospital in the near future. The floating structures will be anchored (系牢) to the surrounding islands, which will form a base and provide protection from high tides.
  Maldives officials aim to make it as carbon neutral and self?sufficient as possible. Freshwater storage will provide drinking water for residents, while floating solar blankets and agriculture fields will take care of their energy and food needs.
  “This Maldives Floating City does not require any land reclamation(改造), and therefore has a small impact on the coral reefs,” explained Mohamed Nasheed, President of the Maldives from 2008 to 2012. “Whats more, giant, new reefs will be grown to act as water breakers. Our adaptation to climate change mustnt destroy nature but work with it, as the Maldives Floating City proposes. In the Maldives, we cannot stop the waves, but we can rise with them.”
  Construction of the revolutionary city is expected to begin in 2022 and be completed in phases over the next five years. If successful, it will provide a blueprint for other countries facing a similar situation.
  1. Which is the result of the rise in sea level?
  A. More people will leave land.
  B. Many places near the sea suffer a lot.
  C. People have to adapt to living in the sea.
  D. More unsuitable places have to face floods.
  2. How does the floating city stay safe?
  A. By relying on the coral reefs.   B. By dealing with high tides properly.
  C. By being constructed on strong bases.
  D. By being fixed to the nearby islands.
  3. Why does the floating city have little influence on the coral reefs?
  A. It lies near the capital city.
  B. It has enough land to use.
  C. It needs no development of land.
  D. It makes full use of natural resources.
  4. Whats the benefit of the plans if they succeed?
  A. Other countries will get inspiration.
  B. More freshwater will be produced.
  C. More people will live here for long.
  D. Less pollution will be made in future.
  Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text
  Researchers believe that parts of what is arguably the lowest?lying country in the world will become unsuitable for people to live in by 2050, due to wave?driven flooding and limited freshwater. 研究人员认为,由于海浪驱动的洪水和有限的淡水,到2050年,世界上地势最低的国家的部分地区将不再宜居。
  【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,句中的that parts of...是宾语从句;what is arguably the lowest?lying country in the world也是宾语从句。
  Ⅱ. Theme?centered chunks
  due to 由于……
  by boat 坐船
  aim to 旨在
  take care of 處理;应对;照顾
  act as 担任……角色
参考译文  1.猫  ·猫和人类在约一万年前开始建立联系。  ·猫通过睡眠来保存能量,平均一天要睡上13到14个小时。  ·英语中,一群猫被称为“clowder”。公猫被称为“tom(雄猫)”。母猫被称为“molly”或“queen”,而幼猫则被称为“kitten”。  ·猫有时会很鬼祟。当它们走路时,后爪能刚好落在前爪之前落下的地方。这能将噪音降至最低,并减少可见足迹。  ·猫有着很强的夜视能力
参考译文  亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔也许不懂得白拍照是什么,但是在19世纪70年代,他发明的电话引发了通讯革命。作为一名演说学教授的儿子,他对声音和演说十分着迷。在父亲的鼓舞下,他甚至与哥哥梅尔维尔一同创造了一台改变人类交流方式的交谈机。  1.贝尔亲子给自己起了一个中间名  亚历山大-格拉汉姆-贝尔于1847年出生在苏格兰的爱丁堡,是家中的老二。临近11岁生日时,他决定成为“亚历山大·格拉汉姆·
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