十年大开发 数字看变化

来源 :今日新疆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pridekao
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西部大开发战略实施10年以来,新疆进入经济发展速度快、社会面貌变化大、各族人民受益多的最好时期。综合实力明显提升,经济持续健康发展。全区生产总值由2000年的1363.56亿元提高到2009年的4270亿元(预计数),按可比价计算,年均增长10.3%,其中,2003年一2008年连续6年保持两位数以上的增长速度。地方财政一般预算收入年均递增19.4%,地方财政一般预算支出年均递增24.3%。财政用于民生支出的比重 Since the implementation of the strategy of developing the western region for 10 years, Xinjiang has entered the best period of rapid economic development, great changes in the social landscape, and benefiting many people of all nationalities. The overall strength has obviously improved and the economy sustained and healthy development. The region’s GDP increased from 136.356 billion yuan in 2000 to 427 billion yuan (estimated) in 2009, representing an average annual increase of 10.3% at comparable prices, of which 2003-2008 maintained double digits for six years in a row Above the growth rate. The general budget revenue of local governments increased by an average of 19.4% annually, while the general budget expenditure of local governments increased by an average of 24.3% annually. Financial expenditure for the livelihood of the proportion
摘 要:素质教育要求我们要面向全体学生,使学生的思想道德、文化科学、劳动技能、身体心理得到全面和谐的发展,个性特长得到充分的培育。因此,作为“班集体灵魂”的应该充分认识到自己所承担的历史重任。而且,学生也崇拜有着多重责任感的班主任,才会让他们更有信心去迎接高考。  关键词:素质教育 发展 班主任 班集体 培育    素质教育要求我们要面向全体学生,使学生的思想道德、文化科学、劳动技能、身体心理得到
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