活用公式 巧妙解题

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平方差公式和完全平方公式是初中数学中很重要的公式,它们的应用十分广泛.有些与这两个公式相关的题若按常规思路去解,则繁琐易错,但同学们如果能根据题目的结构特点联系相关知识,灵活运用这两个公式来求解,就能收到事半功倍的效果. The square difference formula and the complete square formula are very important formulas in the junior high school mathematics, and their application is very extensive. Some of the questions related to these two formulas are tedious and error-prone if they are solved according to the conventional thinking, but if the students can according to the title The structural features associated with the relevant knowledge, flexible use of these two formulas to solve, you can receive more effective results.
重视定义的双向功能和部分定理充要性,放弃“前提—结论”式的教学,而用以思维为主流,以链结式的学生思路开展教学。 Pay attention to the definition of two-way function
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1. —I thought you wouldn’t mind.  —Well,as a matter of fact I don’t,but you___me first.  A. should askB. should have asked  C. must askD. must have asked  2. —I called you yesterday. A woman answered,
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〔关键词〕 音乐教学;教育功能; 道德教育;启智益智  〔中图分类号〕 G633.951  〔文献标识码〕 A  〔文章编号〕 1004—0463(2010)   06(A)—0040—01    一、 音乐的道德教育功能  音乐是情感的艺术,而情感是道德行为的源泉。著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:“音乐文化是培养道德文明和智慧的重要条件之一,美妙的音乐、奇妙的节奏、优美的旋律和那令人心驰神往的音响,是
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