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  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A
  My Sweet Mama,
  With the rice having been ripe, I’ve come to see you, my Mom.
  Mom, you are in Anjiang while I am in Changsha, far, far away. I’m always thinking of you, and Anjiang as well in my dreams.
  How hard it is to predict that you, who have been accustomed to the life of the prosperous city, should stay in such a remote village for good!
  Do you still remember that I was assigned here after graduating from a university in Chongqing before 1957? It was you who accompanied me, with your face put tightly on the map and your fingers pointing at small, closely marked lines on it. It took the two of us quite a long time to find such a small spot on the map. You sighed at that time, saying “My son, you have to bear hardships and stand hard if you get there...”
  I said optimistically, “I’m young, and I have a violin with me as well.”
  But much to my surprise, for me and to help me with my children, I’ve been holding you in Anjiang. As a result, it is you, my Mom, rather than me, who is enduring hardships! How on earth can you get used to walking along the fields! I shall remember that only when you take your grandson by the hand, do you dare to walk through the field paths in front of and behind the house.
  For you, aged 70, who used to live in the big city all your life, you have to  adapt quickly to your new surroundings. However, I’ve never asked what difficulties have troubled you, and I always thought there would be time, and there will be a bit of time that I can spare to accompany you... Who can believe that I was still as busy as a bee having meetings in Changsha until the god really took you away from the world.
  It was just Mid-Autumn Festival when came all the colleagues from each and every corner of the country. It’s not easy for us to do research on hybrid rice! Anyhow, I had to be with those who attended the hybrid rice conference for this festival in that I myself was the convener. However, I, your son, just owes you much forever....  In reality, I do know that you were dying then, when it was your last moment. How I wish you were able to live longer, my Mom!Who knows that even if I rushed to Anjiang before dawn, I couldn’t make it see you, my Mom, one last time.   太晚了,一切都太晚了,我真的好后悔,妈妈当时您一定等了我很久,盼了我很长,您一定有很多话要对儿子说,有很多事要交代可我怎么就那么糊涂呢!这么多年啦,为什么我就不能少下一次田,少做一次试验,少出一天差,坐下来静静地好好陪陪您。哪怕,哪怕就一次。
  Too late, and it’s rather late. How I regretted! You, my Mom, must have been waiting for me for a long time, and looking forward to my showing up for a long time; you must have much to share with me, your son, and have quite a bit to tell me, too. But how can I be so muddled, against your wishes!? For so many years, why can’t I  miss going to the fields one time or skip a single experiment. Why can’t I stay with and accompany you quietly, for just once, without being away on official business.
  Mom, whenever I make outstanding achievements in my research field, whenever I talk cheerfully and humorously on the international forums, and whenever I receive one trophy after another, I’m always telling people that you, my Mom, are the very person who have the deepest influence on me all my life!
  Unimaginably, without your English Enlightenment, I couldn’t have read the most advanced scientific literature under the sun, and let alone have made inquiries about Mendel and Morgan, the great masters of genetics, in the light of English, with a vision beyond my time. More unimaginable, but for your both persistence and encouragement, in those years when wandering from Beiping to Hankou, from Taoyuan to Chongqing, I couldn’t have been exposed to systematic modern education, nor could I have gained the courage to swim like fish far out in the sea.
  I can’t imagine that if you hadn’t told me about Nietzsche, the great philosopher with high vitality and willpower when I was in my cradle, I wouldn’t have held the firm belief that there must be a seed that can make thousands of people say goodbye to starvation after I have experienced thousands of failures? I’m said to have changed the whole world with one seed, which, I see, is sure to be the one that you, my Mom, planted early in my childhood!
  The rice has been ripe and can you smell it, my Mom? How is everything going in Anjiang? Can the familiar merry laughter be still heard over the fields? While 21 years has passed, I can just make out your figure viewed from behind: your lovely little grandson is holding your hand and accompanying you stepping through the rice wave; What I can also tell you is that my Mom, who has never worked in the countryside throughout the whole life, with aristae crossing the palm of your hand, straws piling up on the fields, millet beeping in the sun, paddy fields being orange against the western exposure. These words are what your son wants to say to you, which seem endless.
摘要:初中体育教学的主要目标这是培养初中生的核心素养,核心素养已经成为初中生学习体育的根基,并且也是初中生全面发展的根本。基于此,本文主要阐述核心素养背景下的初中体育教学策略,以期能够促进学生德智体美劳全面发展。  关键词:初中体育;核心素养  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  如何培养学生的核心素养,简单来说就是将核心素养理解为帮助学生具有适应社会的品德,对于初中阶段的体育教学,是对于学生
摘要:针对许多学生在写英语作文时无从下笔的现状,笔者尝试将对话教学、阅读教学与写作教学相结合,指导学生根据句型和语篇内容归纳、整理语言知识点,拓展运用语言,学会用英语写作文。  关键词:对话教学,阅读教学,写作教学  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  从小学五年级开始,英语作文的书写就纳入了考试范围,怎样有效的指导孩子们练习呢?我最初曾让孩子们背诵课文中的常用句型和短语,进行简单的小练笔。但
摘要:学校对班级的要求一向比较高,班主任的工作相当繁杂,花费的精力多,精神压力大。要想班主任的工作轻松一些,就要着重培训得力能干的小助手,让学生学会自主管理,从而解放老师的双手。年级组深知学生自我管理的重要性,开学以来一直强化习惯,注重常规,取得了很好的成效。每个班的班级情况不同,班主任要结合班情,构建班级管理体系,培训学生的自主管理能力。  关键词:自主管理 体系建立 选拔培养 规矩护航  中图
摘要:小学语文教育工作应该着重培养、训练小学生语文阅读能力。对此,授课教师应该努力优化自身的阅读授课方式,因材施教地开展语文阅读教育工作。本文就语文教师如何提高小学生的语文阅读能力进行论述,以供参考。  关键词:小学;语文;阅读能力  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  阅读能力是语文学习能力中的一部分,对学生语文综合素养以及个人能力的发展有较大的促进作用。学生在各类阅读学习活动中会表现出各种
摘要:随着我国教育的发展,许多新颖丰富的教学模式和教学方法逐渐形成,其中课堂提问教学这种方式得到了广泛的应用和发展。,課堂提问有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,同时对学生独立思考能力的引导也具有至关重要的作用。有效的课堂提问能够充分调动学生学习的积极性、培养学生良好的思维能力。通过分析目前小学高段数学教学中存在的问题,并提出相应的解决方案,从而为小学数学教学质量及效率的提升提供有效参考。  关键词:小学数
摘要:在新课改背景下,小学生的各学科课程教学都面临一系列改革。近年来随着信息技术的不断发展,给小学课堂增添了不少新的活力。在小学数学教学领域当中也是如此,将信息技术融入到小学数学教学之中,不仅可以使学生的学习兴趣得到大幅增长,学生能够积极、主动地学习数学知识,而且还帮助教师提高了课堂教学效率,缓解了教师以前沉重的教学压力,使现在的小学数学教学获得进一步的发展。  关键词:信息技术;小学数学;融合策