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「命题自述」小说中的素材/题材之分看来一直没有被清楚地识别。习惯上所称的“工业题材”“农村题材”“知青题材”等,其实应称为“工业素材”“农村素材”“知青素材”……。素材的来源及范围极广,可以由现实生活的任何方面,任何具体事件构成;题材却是在一切素材的基础之上逐渐凝聚而成的最基本的稳定的故事类型。相对于素材,题材具有超越时空的永恒的含义,与“母题”的概念关系密切(而素材显然没有这种关系);因此,题材的数量是有限的.集中在人类感情与行为最重要的几个方面:同时,题材较诸素材的另一很大的不同在于,它在古往今来的创作中形成了自己在小说美学上的一定原则和特性。探讨这一问题,对完善小说的艺术理论有重要意义。 It seems that the material / subject matter in “propositional readme” novels has not been clearly identified. The so-called “industrial theme” “rural theme” “educated youth theme”, etc., in fact, should be called “industrial material” “rural material” “educated youth material” ....... The origin and scope of the material is very wide, which can be composed of any aspect of real life and any specific event. The subject matter is the most basic and stable type of story that is gradually condensed on the basis of all the material. Compared with the material, the theme has the eternal meaning of transcending time and space, which is closely related to the concept of “motif” (while the material obviously does not have such a relationship); therefore, the number of themes is limited, focusing on the most important aspects of human feelings and behaviors In a few ways, at the same time, another major difference between the theme and the other material lies in the fact that it has formed its own certain principles and characteristics in aesthetics of novels in the past and present creations. To explore this issue is of great significance to improving the art theory of novels.
春汛带着雾气荡平了淤泥。月亮把黄色的马缰垂得低低。我驾着颠簸的小舟在岸边起落。象宫墙边一座座教堂——是枯黄的草垛。 The spring flood smoged the mud. The moon d
本篇系苏联著名作家田德里亚科夫的代表作之一,曾被改编成电影和话剧。主要描写祖孙三代人围绕信教、迷信和家庭教育等多方面的纠葛。 This book is one of the masterpiece
她进屋时,房内的每双眼睛都移向她。 有人欣赏女孩是从上往下看,而我则喜欢从踝关节开始,慢慢往上瞧。 她穿着天鹅绒般的黑色高跟鞋,黑色紧身礼服长不到膝盖,更显得两腿修长
太阳快要下山了,长着黄头发蓝眼睛的艾里克,这个八岁大的、又脏又累的男孩感到夜将降临,便穿过田间,朝回家的路上走 The sun is about to descend, and Eric, the yellowish