Application of fast food diet mode in Army

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  Abstract:All countries in the world attach great importance to the development and development of the military nutrition fast food, improve the efficiency of the dietary support, and develop the nutritious fast food of our army, which is the development trend of the army's dietary guarantee.The characteristics of the various elements of dietary protection are analyzed in depth, combined with the development of American fast food diet protectionThe mode of protection that adapts to the fast food diet of our army has been constructed, which is of great significance to improve our dietary support capability and speed up the transformation of the logistic support capability generation model.
  Key word:Fast food;Dietary pattern;application
  【中圖分类号】 F719 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 2236-1879(2017)14-0269-02
  1Overview of American fast food diet guarantee
  (1)The definition of “fast food” in America
  Fast food originated in the United States in 1950s, and after ten years, American fast food industry was founded and developed rapidly.Fast food has reached its peak in the United States, from late 80s to early 90s,The fast food industry is a mature industry nowadays, KFC and McDonald's are the typical representatives in the American market.The American Society of fast food (Fast Food) definition: the advance of the fast food, also includes a shorter time to prepare meals.The utility model has the characteristics of timing, convenience, timing, high quality consistency, instant eating, reasonable price, and non storage resistance.The production mode of American fast food is based on division of labor, and each production process is scientifically and reasonably decomposed into several simple processes to realize the fast food of traditional food.
  (2)American fast food security model
  The U.S. military believes that dietary security plays a major role in improving the morale and efficiency of soldiers.The U.S. military attaches great importance to wartime food security, and is in the leading position in the world, regardless of the structure of the supply, the mode of supply or the means of protection.The American Army regards the snack food as an important guarantee principle for the food security in the battlefield, especially in the field of food fast food.
  In view of the problem of single food and unreasonable collocation of food and drink, the United States continuously increase the variety of food in the field, and improve the technological process and packaging technology after the Gulf war.At present, the U.S. Food Security battlefield basically realized the fast food, American diet security system works efficiently, and military integration, supplies speed.During the run-up to the war, the US military produced more than 3 times the usual military food by mobilizing civil food companies and food processing companies.   The U.S. food security mainly has the following characteristics: one is the individual fast food rations to highlight the status of MRE, from the main combat early protection to an important supplement, later used throughout, convenient and fast; two is the field fast food; three is equipped with the diet combat area reasonable allocation, balanced development of food processing and storage equipment; four is the supply diversification.
  2 The realistic foundation of fast food diet protection in the army
  China's fast food industry has made great progress since the reform and opening up.
  The famous scientist Tsien Hsueshen proposed fast food cooking is the industrialization, the ancient cooking operation, using modern science and technology and management techniques for organizations like industrial production, machines and mechanical power to replace the manual operation of human.“Fast food” is the popular dining daily basic needs of life service for consumers (Public feeding), is selling fast, edible convenience, quality standard, balanced nutrition, convenient service, low price and so on.“Modern fast food” is covered by modern production service system in a scientific, namely through the factory production, modern management means, make fast food as the standardization of goods to meet the public needs to achieve its diet value.
  China's strongest global food processing capacity of the industry, there are a large number of enterprises can be used as the main supplier to choose, is our army's fast food construction is an important support.National Bureau of Statistics announced in 2017, China's 2016 1-12 months, the National Restaurant revenue 35779 yuan, an increase of 10.8%.At the same time, a number of leading enterprises emerged, such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's as the representative of the international fast-food brand enterprises, the development and influence of the industry continues to expand, and become an important support for the national food industry.Eating fast food security refers to the use of food as a dietary supply, production processing machinery production and operation, using the quantitative standard, will be pre prepared meals quickly provide the dining staff to eat, to achieve the standard, quick and convenient food security.The brand of good reputation, high quality services and food processing enterprises to absorb the security forces in wartime to diet through national mobilization system, build regional food supply system for fresh food, semi-finished products supply system, military reserve system is the production of food, fast food in our army to carry out the realistic foundation.   3 Thinking about constructing the mode of military fast food diet
  In the process of speeding up the construction of wartime food and beverage support, a reasonable, efficient and concise diet guarantee mode is the key to achieve the fast food security in the war, and even affect the process and outcome of the war.The fast food guarantee mode uses centralized processing meals and unified supply, and the fast implementation of the food and beverage support in the army can not only better stimulate the economy, but also reduce the input of resources.It can also play the advantages of fast processing speed, increase supply at any time, ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the guarantee.
  (1)Conform to the reform of the national defense army and construct a new mode of food security.
  The advance of the reform of the national defense army not only requires the army to maintain national security and reasonable and legitimate development interests in space, but also puts forward new challenges to the army's food and drink protection.The ability of dietary support is higher, such as the level of strategy and campaign, the level of tactics, the requirement of flexibility and camouflage of dietary protection.
  Efficient and smooth diet guarantee is a solid foundation for fulfilling the historical mission of our army and ensuring the completion of a variety of military tasks in the new century and a new stage.First, it is consistent with the transformation of logistical support mentality. Logistics support is mainly for the service of officers and men, to enhance combat readiness, which requires constant changes to meet the needs of the army development.The two is to adapt to changes in the formation of combat forces. With the adjustment of the military system, our army has been transformed, and the catering service forces have won the modern war, which requires the new logistical support mode to adapt itself to the formation of the army.Three, and fast food processing equipment coordination. A new security model with the wartime diet of small modular units as the core, according to the characteristics of wartime task allocation with fast processing capacity and non-staple food processing capacity of semi-finished food equipment, can realize large-scale and rapid food security and intensive, to meet the future needs of diverse military tasks in reality.
  (2)Adapt to new style of operation, construct large-scale fast food safety chain.   Food security must be based on the battlefield environment, combat process, combat style, existing conditions, different operational operations, direction of operations and combat protection objects, the use of flexible, diversified forms of protection.The original diet support difficult to solve new problems of food security, fast food security mode reasonable distinction between different stages of combat, different security levels, using the latest research of various catering equipment, combined with the use of self protection, with security, support, security, security, direct fixed joint protection and other security methods.Remote transportation, airdrop, preset reserves, localities to land use, flexible organization and implementation of food security, to adapt to the new combat style, complete the food security task.Fast food will be the traditional diet to ensure the quantification, standardization, mechanization and socialization, analysis of food security factors in modular organization as the core of the food security needs, the formation of fast food processing chain, semi-finished products processing chain, fresh food supply chain and hot food before the support chain four chain.The delivery of supplies and hot food processing and cold chain chain with each other, in order to ensure the continuity of the process of fast food guarantee, improve the efficiency of food security.In the design of fast food chain, we should give full consideration to the convenience of supply protection, and adopt convenient processing methods and processing techniques to improve the processing efficiency so as to make it convenient and rapid.
  (3)Using advanced information means to build a real-time, controllable and visible supervision system
  The future combat information under the condition of large-scale joint operation on the sea, air and ground implementation of great depth and full field, combat range, combat style, fast-paced, unpredictable and strong, put forward a new topic for food security, food security requirements can synchronous movement, accurate supply, fast maneuvering.
  Information technology is the key issue in the field of research in recent years, and the application of information flow and big data to promote the construction of information systems plays an important role in speeding up the construction of fast food and beverage protection.Resources and needs two fog have always been two problems facing the logistics, how to advance awareness, effectively solve the two major problems of the fog is the key logistics can be implemented effectively, fast food security mode is more advance perception of resource and demand put forward higher requirements.Considering the food security large material and a variety of complex procedures, personnel organization dispersion, equipment deployment area wide, information technology will be applied to the fast food security to develop military security system, information collection system, information monitoring system, and perceived control system etc..Efforts to build a real-time visual and controllable resource system, the realization of resource transmission, real-time, the real-time visualization and real-time control, push the animal resources with information flow, to achieve a reasonable arrangement of resources and effective use, effectively solve the logistics problem of two fog.We should coordinate the relations between the four major chains, ensure the fast food security mode to develop in an accurate way, and create a sound supervision system.
  Concluding remarks:
  Fast food security mode in the army to focus on the implementation of scientific research and innovation to reduce the human security, focus on “fast, fast, fast, fast food” development of catering equipment, focus on the portable, delicious, high efficiency, can be saved, no trace of innovation of military food.In the development of military and civilian integration, we will speed up the construction of fast food and beverage support for the armed forces.
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摘 要: 随着网络及通信技术的不断发展,基于网络的多媒体开发技术已经较为成熟。在当今数字时代,如何利用网络技术实现面向高校师生的在线创新型学习平台成为社会的研究热点。本文给出了一种智慧校园创新型学习平台的构建方法,对学习平台的总体架构进行了阐述,对架构中的面向高校师生的创新服务理念进行了描述,主要包括教学管理、在线课堂、多途径交流等。本文策略能够为智慧校园创新型学习平台的构建提供方案支持。  关键
摘 要: 在过去的二三十年,随着日新月异的科学技术和飞速发展的现代经济,各行各业表现出了爆炸式的数据增长。这些数据无时无刻不在影响我们的工作,生活,甚至是城市乃至社会的正常运行。在这样的环境下,数据已经成为了及其重要的战略资源。其中隐含的军事,政治,经济,文学等方面的信息不仅仅关系到个人隐私以及行业安全,更与国民经济和国家安全有着千丝万缕的联系,如何识别网络安全威胁,防范规避安全风险,从而有效的维
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