To Raise A Healthy Kid Who Will Live A Happy Life

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  To raise a healthy kid who will live a happy life, you’ll want to:
  1. Wake your kid up
  Didn’t you love the movie, Joe Versus the Volcano? Meg Ryan’s character said, “My father says that almost all the world’s asleep, everyone you know, everyone you see, everyone you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake, and they live their lives in a state of total amazement.”
  How true it is! Wake your kids up to the beauty of the world around them. Introduce them to nature, to green and growing things, mountains and streams. Take them camping. Show them how to hike, go bird watching and enjoy the night sky. Rolling in the grass will be good practice in waking up your child, so he/she can live a fully happy life.
  Happy people know how to enjoy the natural world, and put themselves into it. They draw inspiration from it and feel at one with it.
  2. Give them a sunny character
  How? Build your own sunny outlook and your kids will follow suite. Your optimism and happy-go-lucky way of life will be followed by everyone who lives in your household. Show your kids how to have fun and make the most of every situation, and they’ll learn from you.
  Nothing is more important than living a happy life. So be positive and practice positive thinking. A study of nuns shows the most cheerful nuns lived longer lives, and the least cheerful lived shorter lives than the average nun.
  3. Help your kids to discover a desire for learning.
  Any puppy is extremely curious ... too curious for some. Adults want to stop him for his curiosity, but puppy needs to learn about all these things around them. Each discovery he makes is a lesson he needs to learn, a lesson to help him live happily in his world and to create a happy life for himself. Curiosity is a powerful desire to learn and know.
  Natural curiosity is the seat of intelligence, and ought to be encouraged, not punished. Give them a safety net and let them fall, then they’ll learn to get cozy with the world, or themselves, and discover the happiness that waits for them in everyday life.
  Positive emotions, like curiosity and delight, help kids thrive, whereas negative emotions (such as anger, fear and shame) can hold kids back. Encourage your kids, don’t shame them. Lift them up, don’t put them down! And your kids will grow into happy adults who can deal with whatever life throws at them without any fear.
  inspiration n. 灵感
  positive adj. 积极的
  nun n. 修女
  curiosity n. 好奇心
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