以产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学为特征的现代企业制度第一步所要解决的就是产权清晰。 我们云南电力集团有限公司自1980年基本建设投资实行“拨改贷”以来,一直重视对电力建设项目投资资金来源的管理。从八十年代末、九十年代初我们就组织一定人力,并聘请会计师事务所专门进行这项工作,按工程项目清理投资来源,分投资来源按年对投入资金数额、利率、还贷等进行统计、造册。通过清理落实,不仅使我们所有电力建设项目资金投贷清楚、计算准确,而且为基
The first step to solve the modern enterprise system characterized by clear property rights, clear rights and responsibilities, separate government and enterprises, and management science is clear property rights. We Yunnan Electric Power Group Co., Ltd. has been paying attention to the management of the sources of investment funds for power construction projects since 1980 when the capital construction investment implemented “transferring and refinancing loans.” From the late 1980s and early 1990s, we organized a certain amount of manpower and hired an accounting firm to carry out this task specifically to clean up the investment sources according to the project. The investment sources were divided into annual amounts for the amount of funds invested, interest rates, repayments, etc. Statistics, making books. Through the implementation of the cleanup, not only all of our power construction projects have been clearly funded and calculated, but also based on