《浮生六记》英译阅读与讨论 (六)

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  英国人雪莉·布莱克(Shirley Black)所译《浮生六记》有与众不同之处。她的翻译有明确的指导思想:第一,再现原文微妙的情感氛围;第二,译出汉字的确切意思;第三,尽量感受作者表达自己的方式。
  【背景】 新婚之夜,沈复(悄然入室,伴妪盹于床下,芸卸妆尚未卧)。
  【原文】 高烧银烛,低垂粉颈,不知观何书而出神若此。
  【译文】 She was sitting, in the light from a pair of tall silver candles, with her delicate white neck bent over a book, so completely absorbed in her reading that she was unaware that I had come into the room. (p. 8)
  译文句子组织得好,以She was sitting起始,引出状语部分,“in the light from a pair of tall silver candles, with her delicate white neck bent over a book”,这个状语经过变通,用自然的英语完美再现了“高烧银烛,低垂粉颈”的情景,创造了一个女子新婚之夜在烛光之下忘情读书的形象,是一个难得的好译句。特别是with her delicate white neck bent over a book,极具美感,值得玩味。
  【译文】  I, too, felt depressed and apprehensive, looking across the water to the darkness of the opposite shore, where will-o’-the-wisps, shining in the blackness like thousands of tiny, bright lanterns, wove in and out among the tangled willows. (p. 21)
  【译文】 To dispel our fears and depression we began composing poetry, one of us starting a verse, the other finishing it; each composing a couplet in turn. Rhyming back and forth, we began to let our imagination run wild; indulging our most foolish fancies until we found ourselves laughing hysterically at the most ridiculous nonsense verses. (p. 21)
  “两韵之后”相当于“联着联着”或“联来联去”,译作 Rhyming back and forth,意思和语气都合适;“逾联逾纵”,“纵”意为不受约束,译作let our imagination run wild;“想入非夷,随口乱道”,译作indulging our most foolish fancies。对照原文,可以看出,译者不仅将汉语词汇的意思准确表达出来,而且夫妻联句时无拘无束、信口成章、不觉沉浸在欢乐中的情景描画得十分生动。译文能产生这样的效果、达到这样的境界,其词语的选择、句子的组织、行文的奥妙,都值得学习借鉴。
  【译文】 From this elevation, as far as the eye could see, the land fell away to the horizon in every direction. Smoke was rising from the cooking fires of the houses far below, curling upward against a background of brilliantly-coloured sunset clouds. (p. 23)
  这是另一个写景句子,“极目”,译作as far as the eye could see,“可数里”,译作the land fell away to the horizon,“炊烟四起,晚霞灿然”译作一个句子,用介词against将两个小句联系起来。一幅描写傍晚田园风光的画面,令人印象深刻。
【導读】威廉·惠特曼·贝利(1843—1914)曾任布朗大学、麻省理工学院植物学教授。其父雅各布·惠特曼·贝利(1811—1857)是一个自然主义者,也是美国微观研究的先驱,曾任西点军校化学教授。家学渊源一定程度上折射出美国历史上一个人文与自然科学相得益彰的时期。  这篇优美的散文发表在1878年的美国《全国教育学刊》(National Journal of Education)上。文章以冬日林中
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