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前言 许多年来,在双面及多层印制板制造中,为了获得电镀前良好的金属孔壁,必须除去孔壁上的树脂玷污(主要是印制板的基板材料)。先后曾采用了多种去玷污工艺(一般均采用湿式处理方法)。但由于印制板的高密度化,线与线的间距越来越细,孔径也越来越小,以及基板材料的不断变化(除原有的环氧玻璃、环氧树脂粘合剂外,又增加了聚酰亚胺、聚丙烯、聚四氟乙烯等材料。)使原有的湿式工艺已不能满足新形势下工艺的要求。例如①机械磨蚀法工艺存在着清洗孔壁区域不彻底,同时会使孔径发生变化和基板厚度难以控制以及对操作人员的技术水平要求高等问题;②有机溶剂(如三氯甲烷、 Preface For many years, in the manufacture of double-sided and multi-layer printed boards, it is necessary to remove the resin smear (mainly the substrate material of the printed board) in the hole walls in order to obtain a good metal hole wall before plating. Has used a variety of defilement process (generally used wet processing methods). However, due to the high density printed circuit board, the spacing between the line and the line is more and more fine, the aperture is getting smaller and smaller, and the substrate material is constantly changing (in addition to the original epoxy glass, epoxy adhesive, Also added polyimide, polypropylene, PTFE and other materials.) So that the original wet process has been unable to meet the requirements of the process under the new situation. For example, there are some problems in the mechanical abrasion process, such as the incomplete cleaning of the wall area of ​​the hole, the change of the diameter of the hole and the difficulty in controlling the thickness of the substrate, and the high technical requirements of the operator. The organic solvents (such as chloroform,
乙状窦后进路插管全麻,仰卧侧头位。作乳突后缘5~6 cm 垂直切口(见图11)。切口达肌肉及骨膜下,暴露上下项韧带,用起骨子向切口二侧剥离,显露枕骨。取电钻在乙状窦后作直径为3
根据过剩少数载流子寿命和高、低电场下响应率之比的实验结果,在10~100K温度范围内,推导了0.1eV n型HgCdTe光电导体双极迁移率与温度的关系。发现温度超过60K时,双极迁移率呈
Hollow cylinders are widely used in spacecraft,rockets,weapons,metallurgy,materials,and mechanical manufacturing industries,and so on,hydraulic bulging roll cyl
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