Study on Application of Bi-directional Combination Technology Integrating Residue Hydrotreating with

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmyhehe
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After analysing the disadvantages of the traditional residue hydrotreating-catalytic cracking combination process, RIPP has proposed a bi-directional combination technology integrating residue hydrotreating with catalytic cracking called RICP which does not further recycles the FCC heavy cycle oil (HCO) inside the FCC unit and delivers HCO to the residue hydrotreating unit as a diluting oil for the residue that is concurrently subjected to hydrotreating prior to being used as the FCC feed oil. The RICP technology can stimulate residue hydrotreating reactions through utilization of HCO along with an in- creased yield of FCC light distillate, resulting in enhanced petroleum utilization and economic benefits of the refinery. After analysing the disadvantages of the traditional residue hydrotreating-catalytic cracking combination process, RIPP has proposed a bi-directional combination technology integrating residue hydrotreating with catalytic cracking called RICP which does not further recycles the FCC heavy cycle oil (HCO) inside the FCC unit and delivers HCO to the residue hydrotreating unit as a diluting oil for the residue that is concurrently to hydrotreating prior to being used as the FCC feed oil. The RICP technology can stimulate residue hydrotreating reactions through utilization of HCO along with an in- creased yield of FCC light distillate, resulting in enhanced petroleum utilization and economic benefits of the refinery.
杉木是我国南方重要的速生用材树种,为了建立良种基地,广泛开展了选优工作。水杉是杉科落叶乔木,南至珠江,北至华北平原,不分山地丘陵,均能生长良好。它对 Cunninghamia la
一、基板材料 薄膜电路早先采用的基板材料有玻璃、氧化硅、涂釉氧化铝、闪光氧化铝、抛光氧化铝、氧化铍和兰宝石等。近几年来,由于薄膜技术的发展以及薄膜混合IC对元件的
一、分子电子学的发展背景 自从肖克莱等人的第一支晶体管问世之后,以硅为中心的半导体集成电路的发展令人惊叹,今天已经进入超大地模集成的时代.但是,硅集成电路的集成度必