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我与夏德元副编审相交5年,在他荣获中国图书编辑的最高奖——“全国第二届优秀中青年图书编辑”奖,并且得知他在上海获奖的三位编辑中资历最浅、年纪最轻的时候,我不仅由衷地为他高兴,而且禁不住要为他写点东西,让我们公关界的同仁都来认识一位默默无闻地为公关事业推波助澜的编辑,现在他已经是副编审了,让我们都来为公关界的一位同仁突破公关界获得殊荣而感到骄傲。从守株待兔到主动出击我与夏德元相识于1991年。此前我知道复旦大学出版过公关书,但只记得作者长居延安,却没留意编辑是谁。那年我持了《公关心理学》的编写 I and Xia Deyuan associate editor 5 years intercourse, he won the highest award in China’s book editing - “the second outstanding young and middle-aged book editor” award, and that he won the Shanghai award-winning three editors in the most junior, age At the lightest time, I was not only glad to see him, but also could not help but write something for him. My colleagues in the public relations field came to know an unknown editor who helped foster public relations. Now he is a deputy editor. Let us all be proud of the fact that one of our public relations practitioners has won the prestigious award of public relations. From passive to active attack I met with Xia Deyuan in 1991. Previously I knew Fudan University published a PR book, but only remembered that the author lived in Yan’an, but did not pay attention to who the editor. That year I held a “public relations psychology” of the preparation
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
目的 研究操纵电脑对视觉诱发电位 (visual evoked poten- tials,VEPs)及心理行为的影响。方法 将从未操作过电脑且无眼疾者作为对照组 ,有操作电脑史而无眼疾者作为监测组
为了确定预处理对小鼠 O3致衰老模型是否具有保护作用 ,本研究利用 SOD微量快速测定法 ,检测和分析了经云南花粉田七口服液 (Yun Nan Pollen Tienchi Oral L iquid,简称 YN-
为了解印刷工人的心理健康状况 ,采用 SCL- 90症状自评量表进行了心理健康状况调查。结果显示 ,躯体化、强迫症、抑郁症、焦虑 4个因子分高于全国常模[1] ,说明心理健康状况