第六册 Unit 5b

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教学要求: 1.复习旧课(a.5a单词b.现在分词c.What ishe/she doing? what are they doing?) 2.学习5b,现在进行时一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。Are you…?Yes,I am.(we are)Is he/she…? No.he/she isn’t.Are they…? Yes,they are. 教学重点及难点:1.强调一般疑问句句子结尾升调朗读。2.动词变现在分词在句子中的运用(朗读和拼写)。3.问答人称要一致。 Teaching requirements: 1. Review of the old class (a.5a word b. now participle c.What ishe/she doing? what are they doing?) 2. Learn 5b, now when the general questions and Ken, negated answer. Are you...?Yes,I am.(we are)Is he/she...? No.he/she isn’t.Are they...? Yes, they are. Teaching focus and difficulty: 1. Emphasizing general question sentence ending Read aloud. 2. The verb changes to the use of the participle in the sentence (reading and spelling). 3. The question and answer person must agree.
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各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团商务主管部门,哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、西安、南京、武汉、成都、广州市商务主管部门,中国国际电子商务中心: Provinces,
应奥伯帝莫马来西亚化学公司(Optimal Chemicals(Malaysia)Sdn.Bhd.)申请,中华人民共和国商务部于2006年2月10日发布立案公告,决定对原产于奥伯帝莫马来西亚化学公司的进口
教学要求:教学以 Who,What,Where 引出的现在进行时态的特殊疑问句。教学重点及难点:所学以上三种句型的操练及运用。教学过程:一、课前歌曲《My Puppy》。随着音乐,全班学
教学要求:1.掌握单词 Sunday,Monday,Tues-day,Wednesday,Thursday,Frilday,Saturday,week。2.学说句型 What day is today?It’s Wednesday.3.初步了解星期的七个简写式。
教学要求:1.教学句型:What time is it? It,s…o’clock.What are you doing? I’m…2.学习现在分词的构成方法及读法。教学重点和难点:1.了解现在进行时态句型的特点。2.正
教学要求:学会 be going to 句型及能用英语表示自己的意向。教学难点:1.Are you going to watch the footballmatch this afternoon/?Yes,we are.2.单词.be-tween,match,wo
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