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莱州市张书斋我非常喜欢看《党员干部之友》上“实践‘三个代表’,迎接建党80周年征文”栏目内的文章。读了这些文章,很受教育。一是加深了对“三个代表”的理解,进一步认识到作为一名党员忠实实践“三个代表”的重大意义。二是从莱芜市领导干部深入基层、深入实际,努力实践“三个代表”的事迹中,看到了领导干部只要心系群众,就会找到实践“三个代表”的好方法、好形式。三是从龙山“水神”—何洪福、中原好支书—李连成等基层干部的身上,体会到干部职务有高低,但只要牢记党的宗旨、大公无私、胸怀全局、艰苦奋斗、勇于奉献,就一定能够带领群众走上富裕之路。我要以他们为榜样,认真学习关于“三个代表”的重要思想,忠实实践“三个代表”,为社会做出应有的贡献。莱芜市丙纶厂党委吕铭和我爱看《党员干部之友》,2000年第9期两个栏目中的两篇文章一《中原好支书李连成》和《如此村官儿》,更是吸引了我。同是村党支部书记的李连成和 Zhang Shuzhai, Laizhou City I really like to read the article entitled “Practice the ’Three Represents’’ in the Friends of Party Members and Cadres to Welcome the Essay on the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China.” Read these articles, very educated. First, we deepened our understanding of the “three represents,” and further realized the great significance of faithfully practicing the “three represents” as a party member. Second, from the deeds of leading cadres in Laiwu City, who have gone deep into the grassroots level, have gone deep into reality and worked hard to implement the “three represents,” they saw that leading cadres should find a good way and a good form of practicing “three represents,” as long as they care about the masses. Third, from the level of cadres such as Longshan Water God - He Hongfu and the Central Plains good Party secretary Li Liancheng, you can see that there is a high or low level of cadre position. However, as long as you keep the purpose of the party, your selflessness, your integrity, your hard work, and your dedication, Lead the masses onto the road to prosperity. I should take them as an example and earnestly study the important thinking on “three represents,” practice the “three represents” faithfully and make due contributions to the society. Laiwu Polypropylene Factory Party Committee Lu Ming and I love to see “Friends of the party members and cadres,” 2000, No. 9 in two sections of two articles a “good secretary of Central Plains Li Liancheng” and “so village officials children” is even more attracted I. Li Liancheng, who is also secretary of the village party branch,