Dedifferentiated orbital liposarcoma: a case report

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duaneking
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AIM: To report the abnormal type of the orbital liposarcoma-dedifferentiated subtype in a patient. METHODS: A case report. RESULTS: A 23 years old Chinese woman with a recurrence of right-sided proptosis was evaluated. Ocular examination revealed proptosis of the right eye with chemosis, hyperemia and limitation of eye movements. Magnetic resonance imaging scanning showed an irregular shaped tumor in the right orbit. The tumor resection was done with a clinical diagnosis of malignant tumor. Histopathological findings revealed the diagnosis of dedifferentiated liposarcoma. CONCLUSION: The rare occurrence of this tumour should be kept in mind while dealing with orbital tumours. AIM: To report the abnormal type of the orbital liposarcoma-dedifferentiated subtype in a patient. METHODS: A case report. RESULTS: A 23 years old Chinese woman with a recurrence of right-sided proptosis was evaluated. Ocular examination revealed proptosis of the right eye with chemosis, hyperemia and limitation of eye movements. Magnetic resonance imaging scanning showed an irregular shaped tumor in the right orbit. The tumor resection was done with a clinical diagnosis of malignant tumor. Histopathological findings revealed the diagnosis of dedifferentiated liposarcoma. rare occurrence of this tumor should be kept in mind while dealing with orbital tumours
一、激光水下传输的衰减特性 光束在水中传播时,辐射能量受到水介质的影响而衰减。光的衰减是由散射和吸收这两种过程引起的,可用下列关系式表示; 式中α_λ是总衰减系数,α