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  薇雨 译
  Even before he died, 1)King Ludwig II had already become something of a legend. His palaces, which were barred to strangers, have been visited by over 50 million people since his death. They are records in stone of the ideal fantasy world which the king built as a refuge from reality. His historic, poetic and ideal interpretation of his role as king was finally his downfall.
  Ludwig and his brother Otto were strictly brought up with an emphasis on duty. Their parents 2)Maximilian II of 3)Bavaria and Marie of 4)Prussia kept themselves at a distance. “Ludwig enjoyed dressing up ... took pleasure in play acting, loved pictures and the like... and liked ... making presents of his property, money and other possessions,” said his mother.
  In 1864 Ludwig acceded to the throne at the age of 18 without any experience of life or politics. In 1866 Ludwig II suffered the biggest defeat of his life: in 1866, the expanding state of Prussia conquered Austria and Bavaria in the war. From then on, Bavaria’s foreign policy was dictated by Prussia and the king was only a “5)vassal” of his Prussian uncle.
  As a child, Prince Ludwig was already fascinated by the 6)music dramas and writings of 7)Richard Wagner. He wanted to bring the composer to
  8)Munich as soon as he became king, and realize his dream of an opera festival. In 1864 he summoned Wagner to him. In the following years, Munich became the music capital of Europe with the premieres of 9)Tristan und Isolde,
  10)Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, and 11)Das Rheingold.
  Wagner was however forced to leave Munich by the end of 1865 because of conflict with the government. Nevertheless, Ludwig II continued with his lavish support for Wagner’s work. The monumental festival theatre planned for Munich was built in 12)Bayreuth and inaugurated in 1876 with the 13)cycle 14)Der Ring des Nibelungen. In 1882 15)Parsifal was premiered here. Without Ludwig II’s commitment, there would never have been a 16)Bayreuth Festival.
  Ludwig II was possessed by the idea of a holy kingdom by 17)the Grace of God. In reality he was a constitutional monarch, a head of state with rights and duties and little freedom of action. For this reason he built a fantasy world around him in which—far removed from reality—he could feel he was a real king. From 1875 on he lived at night and slept during the day.
  Idealized designs by scene painters for a “New Hohenschwangau Castle” high above the tranquil Hohenschwangau of Ludwig II’s father, a “18)By-zantine Palace” and a copy of 19)Versailles were already in existence by 1868. From the beginning, Ludwig II’s fantasy world embraced several different epochs. The “New Castle”, was based on Christian kingship in 20)the Middle Ages, and the new Versailles, built from 1878 on the 21)Herre-ninsel, recalls the 22)baroque 23)absolutism of the 24)Bourbon King of France. 25)Linderhof in the
  26)Graswangtal, built from 1869, imitates a va-riety of styles, with the help of the latest techno-logy. The latest technology was also used for the highly elaborate coaches and sleighs in which the king travelled at night, sometimes in historic costume. Ludwig II spent more and more time in the mountains and correspondingly less time in Munich. His fantasy world was further maintained by “private performances” in the Munich Hoftheater: operas performed for the king alone.
  Ludwig II increasingly identified himself with Parsifal, the legendary 27)medieval figure who became Grail King through his purity and faith and thereby redeemed his sin-laden uncle. The inner battle for freedom from sin and purity is distressingly evident in the diaries of the extremely
  28)pious king. This particular legend is the subject of Richard Wagner’s last work Parsifal, which he began in 1877. Wagner and his circle privately referred to the king as “Parsifal”, and his problems were incorporated into the drama of the Grail.
  The “ideal monarchical poetic solitude” which the king chose for himself was not in the long run compatible with his duties as a head of state. The new settings he was constantly devising for himself were equally beyond the 29)private means of a king. Ludwig II failed through his desire to 30)anchor his illusions and dreams in reality.
  From 1885 on foreign banks threatened to seize his property. The king’s refusal to react rationally led the government to declare him insane and depose him in 1886. Ludwig II was 31)interned in Berg Palace. The next day he died in mysterious circumstances in 32)Lake Starnberg, together with the psychiatrist who had certified him as insane.
  布景画师为一座位于路德维希二世的父亲所建的宁静的天鹅堡上方的 “新天鹅堡”、一座“拜占庭式的宫殿”,以及一处凡尔赛宫的复制建筑所作的理想化设计,在1868年就已经存在了。从一开始,路德维希二世的梦幻世界就包含了几种不同时期的建筑风格。“新城堡”的建筑风格基于中世纪基督教统治时期的建筑风格,1878年起在男人岛建的新凡尔赛宫(即海伦基姆宫)是对法国波旁王朝巴洛克式专制主义的追慕。位于格拉斯坊河谷的林登霍夫堡自1869年始建,借助最新的工艺模仿了各类建筑风格。最新的技术同时也应用于制作非常精致的四轮大马车,以及供时而穿着历史剧服装的国王在夜间出行时用的雪橇。路德维希二世把越来越多的时间花在了山里,相对地就越来越少呆在慕尼黑。他的梦幻世界,通过他在慕尼黑霍夫剧院私下独自观赏的歌剧表演得到了进一步的维持。
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修女是天主教中离家进修会的女教徒,通常要发三愿(即“绝财”、“绝色”及“绝意”),她们从事祈祷和协助神父进行传教的工作。  提起“修女”二字,你脑海中浮现出什么印象?满面沧桑、一脸冷酷、不食人间烟火的老妇人?  现在,有人要向大家证明,这种传统印象是不准确的。    修女是天主教中离家进修会的女教徒,通常要发三愿(即“绝财”、“绝色”及“绝意”),她们从事祈祷和协助神父进行传教的工作。  提起“修
Robert Frost(1874—1963),美国著名现代诗人,一生中多次获普利策奖,被公认为是没有桂冠的桂冠诗人。他出生于美国加利福尼亚州,念过哈佛大学,但因种种原因中途辍学,做过纺织工人、教员,经营过农场,但最爱的还是写诗。他的诗主要分为抒情诗和叙事诗两大类,朴实无华,然而耐人寻味,大多描写的是田园生活,表现人与大自然的关系,充满浓厚的泥土气息,因而他被称为“新英格兰田园诗人”。Robert