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  小兰 译
  I haven’t wanted to bring this up, but something strange happens to people on 1)Thanksgiving.
  I don’t mean that they suddenly change their hair color and go on shopping 2)sprees or anything like that. I mean that something compels otherwise reasonable people to make the same traditional family Thanksgiving 3)stuffing recipe year after year, no matter what.
  If you don’t believe me, ask my friend Kathy. Most of the rest of the year she successfully tries to avoid cooking. But each Thanksgiving, she wakes up at dawn and spends hours—HOURS—in the kitchen making
  4)Wild Rice Stuffing with 5)Pearl Onions and 6)Bacon Bits, a traditional family recipe that’s been passed down from mother to daughter for five generations.
  “Why don’t you just 7)sleep in and buy a container of instant stuffing mix?” I suggested one day over coffee.
  But I could tell by the way she rolled her eyes and said, “But that’s not the way we do it,” that it would just be 8)plain wrong.
  Then there’s Kathleen. For as long as I’ve known her she has had a policy on adding handfuls of olives to her stuffing. Oh, not because of any special flavor or because her family particularly likes them but because, as she put it simply, “That’s what my mother always did.” It doesn’t seem to matter that her mother actually hates olives and has no idea why she did it that way either.
  But things could be worse. Due to a cruel twist of fate, my friend Carol’s husband insisted on bringing along his own family’s stuffing recipe when they got married. Since Carol didn’t want to bother making two different 9)batches, she decided to merge them together, and now her Thanksgiving stuffing is a mostly 10)inedible 11)concoction of Brazil nuts, 12)buttermilk, chopped onions, and pineapple.
  There are, of course, always the exceptions. My neighbor Sue refuses to make any stuffing at all because last Thanksgiving her fa-mily’s traditional “apple-13)almond-14)sage stuffing” recipe 15)fell under suspicion. It started when she found out that a 16)certain cousin named Heidi follows a traditional recipe for apple-17)walnut-sausage stuffing that was given to her by a
  18)great-aunt who was known for her orange-walnut-19)fennel stuffing. I ask you, how do you 20)get to the bottom of that?
  However, we all know what’s clearly going on here.
  Thanksgiving stuffing, in a subtle way, connects each generation as few other foods can. Sure, over the years the recipes may change a bit, and you might not be able to explain exactly why you’re supposed to add a cup of crushed oysters to the
  21)breadcrumbs. But that’s OK; everyone just goes along with it anyway.
  Then, of course, there are people like me, whose traditional family stuffing recipe comes from the back of a 22)crouton box. I’m not sure what this says about my family—except that I come from a long line of people who can’t cook. Or perhaps they’re just practical. Either way it’s not much of a legacy.
  And, truth be told, I’m not sure what to do about it except to try to change the recipe. In fact, this year I think I’ll add a dash of 23)vermouth and some dried cherries and maybe even an oyster or two.
  And if my kids complain about it I’ll just calmly explain that it’s OK if they don’t like it. In fact, they don’t even have to eat it. The most important thing is that we’re creating a new family tradition to pass on together.
  And then—well, then, we could all leave and go to a restaurant.
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眼不见,心不烦  没时间去做决定  我们要逃避么?我该躲起来么?  在我余下的人生里
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乐在其中 译    急匆匆赶路的途中,车子突然抛锚了;停电了,想用手电筒照明可怎么拍它也不亮了;随身携带的钥匙转眼就“消失”得无影无踪……生活中,你是否也遇到过类似的“不凑巧”的事?你或许会抱怨:怎么会这么倒霉?不过,看了这篇文章,下次再遇到一些“不凑巧”的事,你也许可以笑着开解自己一番:呵呵,好家伙!原来,是它们在跟咱们对着干呢!咱们可得小心点,不能中了它们的“诡计”!^0^    Inanim