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新时期的十年,儿童电视剧和儿童舞台剧都得到了较大的发展,涌现出了一批赢得观众称赞的优秀作品。然而,也必须承认,大量的儿童电视剧和舞台剧不能满足小观众的审美需求,面临着摆脱平庸提高质量的课题。其中,儿童剧作家的儿童观是一个根本性的问题。因为,作家所持的儿童观必然直接影响他的儿童戏剧观念,同时也是他的教育观的折射,这一切,决定着作品的思想内涵与艺术体现。儿童剧作家的儿童观主要包含两个方面,即怎样看待所要描写的对象——剧中的儿童和所要为之服务的对象——儿童观众。儿童文艺是人类进入现代化生活的产物,是成年 In the ten years of the new era, children's television dramas and children's theater plays have been greatly developed, and a number of excellent works have won the praise of the audience. However, it must also be acknowledged that a large number of children's TV plays and stage plays can not meet the aesthetic needs of the small audience and are faced with the task of getting rid of mediocrity and improving their quality. Among them, the children's playwright's view of children is a fundamental issue. Because, the view of the children held by the writers will inevitably directly affect the concept of his children's drama, but also the refraction of his educational concept, all of these determine the ideological connotation and artistic expression of the works. The children's playwright's view of children mainly contains two aspects, namely, how to treat the object to be described-the children in the play and the object to be served - the children's audience. Children's literature and art is the product of human beings entering the modern life and is an adult
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