Study on High—yield and High—efficiency Cultivation Techniques of High Quality Potato Qingshu 9

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  Abstract Qingshu 9 was approved and formally named as a new potato variety by Qinghai Crop Variety Approval Committee in December 2006. It has outstanding features of high quality, high yield, drought resistance, and disease resistance. Hanzhong Institute of Agricultural Sciences introduced Qingshu 9 from Dingxi County in Gansu Province in 2010. Through years of experiments and demonstrations, the average yield of Qingshu can reach up to 53.14 t/hm2 with the maximum yield to 63.77 t/hm2.
  Key words Qingshu 9; Potato; High yield and high efficiency; Hanzhong
  The potato has become one of the leading distinctive industries in Hanzhong and an important industry for mountainous people to shake off poverty and become prosperous[1]. However, potato production in Hanzhong City in recent years has the problems of extensive management, single species, degenerate species, low promotion rate of virusfree seed potatoes, frequent occurrence of late blight, and low unit yields[2-3], which seriously restricts the development of the potato industry. Focused on the key issues in the development of the potato industry in Hanzhong City, more than 50 potato varieties of Qingshu 9, Dutch 15, 948A, Zhongshu series, Longshu series have been introduced one after another for multi location experiment and demonstration with the aim to make breakthroughs in the cultivation of regional characteristic cultivation mode and promotion and application of technology integration. The selected potato variety Qingshu 9 has been demonstrated and promoted in Hanzhong and is very popular for its strong growth potential, high yield, strong disease resistance, good commercial quality, good taste quality, and good overall performance. The highyield and highefficiency cultivation techniques of the Qingshu 9 under special geographical climate conditions in Hanzhong are summarized below.
  Evaluation of Agronomic Traits
  Since 2010, when Qingshu 9 was introduced from Dingxi of Gansu to Hanzhong, it has gone through years of multiple spot experiment at different altitudes. The test results show that Qingshu 9 has a growth period of 113 d from seedling to harvesting, and its harvest is 18 d later than the control variety of Kexin 1. The virusfree seed potato could grow up to 164 cm high under mulching cultivation, with the average plant height of 117.4 cm. The buds are pointed and purple at the top, green in the middle, round and purple blue at the base, with rare hairs. The stem has a diameter of 2.1-2.6 cm of lavender color, and the cross section is of prism shape. The stem stands upright during the early growth period. The leaves are large of dark green with many hairs and flat margin. The compound leaves are large of oval shape arranged closely, alternate or opposite. The top leaflet is oval, alternate or opposite. The cymes have green flower buds of oblong shape. The flower stalks are lilac, corollas are light red, and the pedals have white sharp edges. There is no natural fruit. The potato tubers are of oblong shape with smooth and red skin, shallow and large number of buds, and the inside is yellow. The tuberization is concentrated and neat, the average number of tubers per plant is 7.1, the highest number of tubers is up to 21, and the average output per plant is 0.67 kg. The highest single plant yield is 2.34 kg for virusfree seed potato and the marketing tuber rate is 88.1%. The tubers can have secondary growth in the field, which have short dormancy period, strong germination vigor, resistance to storage, strong plant growth, luxuriant foliage, and drought tolerance, cold resistance, high resistance to late blight, resistance to ring rot and sky disease, good taste.   Yield Performance
  In 2010, Qingshu 9 was planted in the experimental field in Hanzhong Institute of Agricultural Sciences. The yield was equivalent to 63 771 kg/hm2, which attracted the attention of researchers. In 2011, it took part in the variety comparison tests held in the southern hilly area (Moujiaba Town of Nanzheng County) and the western shallow mountainous area (Xujiaping Town of Lueyang County) of Hanzhong. Both tests had 5 varieties. The yield of Qingshu 9 in the 2 test places was 58 555.5 and 56 163 kg/hm2, respectively, which was 27.9 and 21.6% higher than the respective control variety Zihuabai. In 2012-2014, 6 variety comparison tests were conducted in the plains, hills, mountains and alpine mountainous regions which had different altitudes in Hanzhong, and the average yield of Qingshu 9 was 48 535.5 kg/hm2, which was 30.9% higher than that of the control variety Zihuabai, ranking first in the 13 varieties. From 2015 to 2017, production test trials were conducted in the main producing areas of Ningqiang, Zhenba, Lueyang and Nanzheng latemature potato producing areas in the ways of openair, mulching and intercropping planting, a total of 23 sampling sites. The average yield of the Qingshu 9 was 38707.5 kg/hm2, which was 30.41% higher than that of the control Zihuabai, and the yield was stable with significant increase.
  Highyield and highefficiency cultivation techniques
  Sowing area and sowing mode selection
  Qingshu 9 is a latematuring variety in Hanzhong. The sowing area can be the plots with an altitude over 650 m, one crop a year or two crops a year. And it can be planted in the ways of open air, mulching and intercropping[4].
  Preparation before sowing
  Site preparation The plot to cultivate potato can be one planted corn, beans, melons or fallows, but not planted with solanaceous crops. the soil should be loose with good permeability, rich organic matter contents, and convenient irrigation and drainage. The selected plots should be ploughed deep to make preparations for the sowing, and when ploughing, miscellaneous manure of 30 000-37 500 kg/hm2 is preferred, which can be ploughed and incorporated into soil along with the site preparation. Before sowing, once rotary tillage should be done, during the tillage, it should apply the mixture of carbon ammonia of 750 kg/hm2, superphosphate of 750 kg/hm2, phoxim insecticide of 30-45 kg/hm2, which can be ploughed and incorporated into soil along with the tillage.   Seed processing Before sowing, the selected seed potatoes are placed under the scattered light for accelerating germination to ensure uniform budding. Because of the large number of bud eyes and strong sprouting vigor, it is easy for the seedlings of Qingshu 9 grow thickly, which can make it difficult to control in the middle and later stages. In Hanzhong, piece seed tuber sowing is suggested. Generally, the tubers should be more than 25 g, and a 50-100 g potato tuber can be cut into 2-4 pieces from the top. If too big, the potato tuber can be inclined cut from the top in a spiral direction according to the arrangement of bud eyes. It should try to make the bud eye in the middle, and the part with centered bud eyes at the top should be cut into fours to make each potato tuber have 1-2 strong sprouts or 2-3 bud eyes. When cutting, diseased and rotten potatoes should be removed promptly, and the knife should be sterilized with 5% potassium permanganate solution for 1-2 min. The cutting should be done 2-3 days before sowing, and the cut tubers should be spread out in the shade of a wellventilated place. The tubers can be sown when the cuttings are healed. If possible, it can mix the seed tubers with carbendazim, metalaxyl manganese zinc and other chemicals together with plant ash or dry fine earth before sowing.
  Timely sowing
  Qingshu 9 has strong sprouting ability and can be properly sown early. It can be planted with mulching or openair. Mulching cultivation can be adopted at the altitude of below 700 m, usually from midJanuary. Openair cultivation is suggested for the hilly areas with altitude of 700-900 m, usually from midlate February, and early February for mulching cultivation. In the mountainous areas with altitude of about 1 000 m, mulching cultivation is recommended, usually from the end of February to the beginning of March. When sowing, double row planting with ridging is used for the cultivation. First, the row spacing is determined using ropes, and a sowing ditch of 20 cm wide and 10 cm deep is dug on each side of the rope. Then, the prepared seed potato tubers are sown evenly along one side of the ditch with the spacing in rows and between rows of 30 cm × 50 cm and planting density of 60 000-67 500 plants/hm2. The soil is dug outside the 2 close planting ditches to cover the tubers with ridges, and the ridge is 75-80 cm wide, 25 cm deep, and 15 cm high. For mulching cultivation, there should a space of 10 cm wide between the ridges to cover mulch, and after ridges are flattened and covered with films, the soil on small ridges can be spread on both sides to pin the mulching film to field.   Field management
  Seedling releasing management Potato buds of Qingshu 9 begin to emerge from the soil generally from midMarch for the mulching cultivation in the hilly areas with the altitude below 700 m, and from late March and early April at the middle altitude areas. During the emergence period, the seedlings should be timely released from the film to avoid mulching film burning sprout tips and leaves. The best time to release the seedlings is before 10 oclock in the morning or after 4 oclock in the afternoon. To avoid seedlings withering, the opening should be small, and should be sealed with fine water after releasing to facilitate heat preservation.
  Water and fertilizer management There is usually no topdressing for the mulching cultivation of Qingshu 9, and all the fertilizers are mixed and applied to the fields as base fertilizers during soil preparation and sowing according to the dosage of 300 kg of diammonium phosphate (DAP), 225 kg of urea and 375 kg of potassium sulfate per hectare. It requires more phosphate and potash fertilizers from the bolting period to flowering period, when 0.1%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed for 1-2 times. Urea of 75-150 kg/hm2 can be applied during the expansion period of flowering potato tubers to the fields with weak growth vigor and significant lack of fertilizers. The application should be done before rain or along the plant roots during irrigation. In the growing season of Hanzhong, there is plenty of rainwater, so it does not need special irrigation for the cultivation of Qingshu 9. However, if possible, the water can be irrigated and drained 2-3 times between ridges at 10 d before seedling emergence and during the tuber expansion period according to the rainfall and soil moisture conditions. It should always keep soil moist. Watering is prohibited 7-10 days before harvest.
  Suppressing excessive growth Qingshu 9 grows vigorously in Hanzhong, with many branches and dense plants. It is prone to have excessive growth in the late growth stage. For plants growing too prosperous, the 800-1 500 times diluted paclobutrazol can be sprayed to control the growth of stems and leaves at 2-3 d before bud emergence. It can also choose to cut off excessive branches at the bud initiation stage.
  Pest control Qingshu 9 has strong resistance to late blight, and no late blight has been found in Hanzhong. But measures should also be taken, so as to have no occurrence through controlling. In the late flowering period, we can spray the mixture of metalaxyl MnZn, Infinito and Curzate with water to plant leaves for 1-2 times. Before harvesting, it must maintain the soil moisture, which can lessen scabs and soil pest damages by reducing soil temperature. For the fields to reserve seed potatoes, it can spray imidacloprid or pyrethroids insecticides to prevent the spread of aphids during the peak migration period every 7-10 d.   Timely harvest
  Qingshu 9 has strong branching ability and regeneration ability, and the potato tubers can have a secondary growth. Usually, from late June to early July, when pushing aside the top stem leaves, the plants with withered leaves in the middle should be harvested timely to avoid potato rotten caused by high temperature. When harvest, the potato tubers should be graded and cleaned according to sizes, and then stored in the cellar after drying.
  Jin CHEN et al. Study on Highyield and Highefficiency Cultivation Techniques of High Quality Potato Qingshu 9
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  Editor: Na LI Proofreader: Xinxiu ZHU
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