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  The Baton of Love
  但是接触之后,我的忐忑之情逐渐退去。我发现ILBORU的学生们在课堂上认真听讲,不吵不闹,更不会随意走动,就算去洗手间都会请求老师的批准。他们在课下对老师也是礼貌有加,看到我都会打招呼,有些是“您好,张老师!”有些是“Good morning,Madam!” 同时,家庭作业也会按时完成,小部分学习比较慢的学牛回答不上课堂提问的时候,也会给我一个微笑,说“我不知道”。能遇到这样的学生们,我倍感欣慰。因为无论在我之前做志愿者的菲律宾还是我做孔子学院教师的厄瓜多尔,学生们都没有这么乖,例如上课听音乐、聊天、玩手机、吃东西等等是很常见的,能静下来听老师讲课的寥寥无几。有时在他们眼里汉语课就像小提琴课、游泳课或者网球课,是兴趣课,想来就来,不来也没关系。这里的学生不一样,我从他们的眼睛里能看到那种对学习的渴望、对知识的向往。
  其实,这次行动的根源还来自于我内心对我自己初中和高中时的两位班主任恩情的铭记。正是因为他们的慷慨馈赠,我这穷人家的孩子才能顺利完成学业。我一直都想把这份爱延续下去。因為缘分,我在异国他乡撒下了第一颗“爱的种子”。 爱无国界。看到学生拿到课本后脸上洋溢的笑容,我觉得爱的接力真是值了。
  The ILBORU Secondary School
  where I work is a key high schoolwhich is quite famous in Arusha andthroughout Tanzania.   I still remember how anxiousI was on the first day when I wentto this high school. The ILBORUSecondary School is about 10kilometers away from the urban areaof Arusha. Roads towards the schoolare not tarred or cement roads, butpitted dirt roads. Sometimes in anunguarded moment, you can feelyourself to be thrown out of the car.Outside the car window are low-risehouses, children playing barefootand all kinds of old small shopswith attractive scenery of lush trees,singing birds and fragrant flowers.
  Besides, when the head teachertold me the ILBORU SecondarySchool is an all-boys boarding school,I was shocked and could not help butasking: "AIl-boys school? Are theydifficult to be controlled?" "You'1lknow later on." he said with a smile.At that time, I had already beaten aretreat in my heart. I thought thatwhen so many naughty boys weretogether, it must be exhausting andfrustrating to control them.
  However, after getting along withthe students, my anxiety receded.I found that students in ILBORUlistened care fully in class, nevermade noise or left their seats withoutpermission. Even when they wantedto go to the toilet, they would asktheir teachers first. After class, theyare also very polite to teachers. Everytime they saw me, they would greetme politely: some saying "Hello, MissZhang!", and others "Good morning,Madaml" Meanwhile, they finishedhomework on time. A small part ofstudents, who fall a little bit behindin study, would give me a smile andgently said "I don't know" when theycame across difficult questions inclass. I felt quite relieved to have suchstudents. Neither in the Philippineswhere I did volunteer job, nor inEcuador where I worked as a teacherat the Confucius Institute did thestudents there behave themselves inclass. Things like listening to music,chatting, using cell phones andeating in class were not big surprises.Few of them really paid attention totheir teachers. For them, sometimea Chinese class seemed like a violinclass, a swimming class, or a tennisclass-an interest class whetherthey came or skip out of their ownwill. They did not take it seriously.However, the students here weredifferent because, as I observed, theyhad desire for study and the longingfor knowledge.
  However, as time passes, I foundthat these hard-working and sweetstudents also faced difficulties. First,they had monotonous diet of poornutrition. In fact, some students ofthis school were from poor families,some of which were even too poorto support their children. With thesupport of the government, the schoolenrolled the students with difficultfamily situations, provided themwith free education, and covered allliving and study expenses. Three freemeals every day provided in schoolmostly consisted of rice, beans andvegetables. No milk, no meat, no fruit.They could only have meat on a singlespecific day in a month. With suchdiet all the year round, how couldthey keep healthy? Seeing this, I feltparticularly heartbroken as a mother.   As for study, there was onlya blackboard and chalks in theirclassrooms, and no multimedia at all.I heard that there was an activity roomwith a television and a DVD playerfor football games or entertainmentprograms at times. However, in thisplace, electricity was usually cut off,so it was difficult for me to do somecultural activities for students. Inaddition, the students had to copyby hand what I had written on theblackboard to their notebooks.For those beginners without anyfoundation of Chinese, to copy Pinyinand the meaning was an easyjob,whereas to copy characters was quitea big trouble. Moreover, when theelectricity was off, it was hard to seeclearly what was on the blackboard,which made it more exhausting forthem to copy down.
  Without textbooks, they couldnot do any exercise to get improved,thus leading to unsatisfying teachingresults. I had talked with the headteacher, suggesting if the schoolcould fund more to duplicate thetextbooks. Unfortunately, the answerwas "no", because there were toomany students and the school didn'thave much funding to support. Iunderstood his concerns. The plightwas real. The first semester wasnearly half. Seeing piles of well-written homework and pieces ofnearly perfect papers, I discussedwith my husband, "How about wepaying the copy of textbooks for thestudents?" "As long as you felt it worthwhile, then go forit. I totally support." He said. Then I strengthened mymind. The head teacher felt very excited, and expressedgratitude on behalf of the students. Meanwhile, he toldme the copy work could be done in our school rather thanany copy shop to save money. I accepted the kindnessthankfully, and promised that I would help the work.
  There were 123 students in three classes of Grade1 for compulsory courses, 143 in Grade 5 for electivecourses, and 20 teachers, counting 286 in total. I suggestedmaking 300 copies, rest of which would be collected inschool library after distribution. After consulting with thefinancial aid office, the secretary told me that it might costalmost 810 thousand shillings (about 2200 RM B). I payedfor it the next day, and told them to buy copy materials assoon as possible, in a strong desire for getting studentstextbooks soon. At that time, I had not received my salaryyet. A little bit hard up for money, I borrowed some frommy friends. The work was the last thing I want it to bedelayed.
  In the next few days, I often went to the office of thehead teacher's secretary to ask whether the copy work hadstarted, but the secretary always said that she was busyrecently and we had to wait for a few days. Ten days hadpassed. I was desperately worried. If we kept waiting, thecopy work might not be able to finish before the end of thissemester. Then I took the initiative to start the work. Everyday, when I had no class, I would be occupied with the copywork. During the time, the secretary would come to helpwhen she was free. Occasionally, a teacher at school wouldoffer help. I was busy at school almost every day. One day,my daughter, aged a year and four months, got a high feverand kept crying for mum, but I still took her and her fatherto school, taking care of her while telling her father howto copy and examine. Fortunately, afterwards the feverwas gone, and the work was not delayed. Although I triedto seize every moment, it did not go smoothly. For onething, the electricity was often cut off. For another, this oldcopy machine in school frequently went wrong with eitherthe paper getting jam or the machine stopping workingfor no reason. What most wasted time was that whenthe machine copied the other side of paper, it becamejammed. As a result, there was half of three hundredpieces of paper with a blank side, and those were scatteredamong good ones, which made us examine piece by pieceand thus wasted a lot of time. After the work was done,there also remained a huge proj ect-typography. Defectsincluding missing page, repeating page and wrong pagecost much time and energy to check. To my relief, somestudents at school, who did not have Chinese class, wouldoffer help in their spare time. Thanks to my examinationwork of the textbooks, I got more familiar with the bookHappy Chinese l after checking piles of piles. In thisway, it took almost three weeks to complete the work. Mr.Andrea, the Teaching Secretary, finished the last partbookbinding work.
  In fact, the root of this action derived from theinner memory of the kindness of my two class teachersrelatively in my secondary school and high school. Itwas precisely because of their generosity that I, a kidfrom poor family, could finish school. I always want toextend love to others. Because of the destiny, I planted thefirst seed of love in a foreign country. Love can cross allborders. Seeing the brimming smile on my studentsl faceafter received textbooks, I felt that the relay of love was ofgreat value.
摘要:语文教学涉及方方面面,文言文是其中的核心内容。因为中学生基础和能力的不同,学习文言文有困难是正常的,学习的积极性不高,理解文言文的能力差。为确保教学质量,应鼓励学生预习前做好准备,并结合课堂教学中教师的讲解,提高学生学习文言文的主动性,培养学生的自主学习能力。笔者提出了一些切实可行的对策,以供教师参考。  关键词:初中文言文;课前预习;教学策略  一、预习文言文的现状  叶圣陶先生曾说过:「
教材、学情分析:  黄金分割是苏科版九年级下册§6.2内容。之前学生已学习了线段的比和成比例线段并掌握了比例的一些性质,积累了处理线段比值的数学活动经验。本课以此为基础,立足于学生已有的生活和数学活动经验,利用“挺拔秀丽的上海东方明珠电视塔塔体”、“芭蕾舞演员身体各部分之间适当的比例,给人以匀称、协调的美感”、“你最喜欢的矩形的调查结果”等实例,创设问题情境,引入黄金分割、黄金比的概念,举例说明黄
《语文课程标准》明确指出:“写作教学应贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应引导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感。”基于此,在习作教学时,应时刻注意引导学生把现实生活和自己的内心生活结合起来进行写作。这样,学生就易于动笔,乐于表达,能够多角度地观察生活,从而写出自己的个性。怎样使小学作文教学回归生活世界,以生活为本源,成为与生活交流,与生命对话的平台,使作文教学返璞归真呢?  一、以生活为
第二届孔子学院总部“开放日”在京举行  9月25日,第二届孔子学院总部“开放日”在京举行,主题为“文化交流与世界和平”。38个国家驻华使节,塞万提斯学院、俄罗斯文化中心等语言与文化推广机构代表,部分在京孔子学院中方合作院校代表和孔子学院来华奖学金生等约500人参加了各项活动。  开幕式下午2点开始,由孔子学院总部总干事、国家汉办主任许琳主持。开幕式上,中外学生为来宾们表演了扬琴、大提琴四重奏《掀起
我相信在每个人的心底都有一个美好的梦想。自从我与汉语、与中国结缘,在我的心底就有了一个梦想,一个中国梦。  去年快到暑假的时候,我开始变得十分不安,因为每到假期,我的汉语水平都会退步。为了避免这个“杯具”,我决定去我家乡的一家中国商店找份工作。  虽不知前路几何,我还是毅然出发了,目的地是一家唐人街。进了一家店铺后,我对经理说:“您好,我找工作”,我真希望你们能看到当时他脸上惊讶的表情。  这位经
摘要:随着国家素质教育改革理念的深入实施,在小学数学课程教学中,从培养学生核心素养的视角来进行教学体系的优化设计,能更好地促进学生全面发展,不断提升学生的数学素质和能力。本文首先阐释了小学数学课堂教学中培养学生数学核心素养的意义,并探索了小学数学教学中培养学生核心素养的策略,以供参考。  关键词:小学数学;核心素养;培育  在新课程改革大力发展的时代环境下,生硬地将知识灌输到学生脑海中已经成了过去
摘要:新时代背景下,高校日语专业课程教学承载着知识传授和价值引领的双重作用,作为日语专业课程教师,有义务在传授专业日语知识的同时,对学生进行思想政治教育,提升学生的文化自觉与自信,促进了中华优秀传统文化的传承与发展。本文首先从日语专业课程实施课程思政的必要性和可行性入手进行分析,结合目前国内高校日语专业课程思政的现状,最终寻求日语专业课程“课程思政”实施策略。  关键词:商务日语翻译;教学现状;教
My Whole World: Assis Campus  备课时,研究课本、设计课堂、翻译稿子,干完就是凌晨两点;上课时,一页页PPT、一句句葡语、一个个知识点,不知不觉一节课就过去了;下课后,穿行在田字格的街道看着美丽的花树、滑翔变幻的云朵,回家半个小时的路程转眼就走完了。不经意地,我来到巴西已经一个月了。  这里的生活节奏很慢,工作忙碌的人们看起来却是轻松自如的;这里的生活气氛很快乐,每个人
摘要:随着教育改革的不断深入,对中国传统文化的继承研究越来越受到人们的重视。在这些因素中,诵读国学经典成了各校的流行教学潮流,这对学生的语文学习和文学素养的培养都有积极意义。小学语文教师在组织学生国学经典诵读活动时,应遵循积极鼓励、精读精说、尊重差异等原则,通过示范引导学生掌握诵读节奏,在反复诵读中深入理解内容,借助历史故事激发诵读学习兴趣,从而提高教学效果。  关键词:小学语文;诵读;国学经典;
摘要:古诗词入选小学语文教材的历史悠久,作为中华民族所特有的传统文化样式,古诗词有着独特的艺术魅力和厚重的文化底蕴,对培养小学生的语文素养有着举足轻重的作用,是小学语文教材中宝贵的教育资源。教师利用多种教学手段创设情境,激发学生学习兴趣,利用多媒体创设音画,借助场景表演的方式再现古诗词的诗情画意,让学生在最佳状态下学习。  关键词:古诗词;教学;情境  小学古诗词教学中开展情境教学既是义务教育新课