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  My Whole World: Assis Campus
  我的学生们课堂上认真听课,下课时有礼貌地说“谢谢陈老师!老师再见!” 上完第一节课听到初级一学生用中文这样对我说时,我意外又感动!他们每个人都对我说过同一句话: “If you have any trouble,let meknow.”
  另外,我有幸能见识到当地Taipa房子历史博物馆(Museu Historio Casa de Taipa),那些祖祖辈辈传下来的老房子,很淳朴、简单,房子的主人特别好心,用大面包车送我去下一个古老的建筑参观。虽然刮着风,心却暖暖的!   你待生活如何,生活就待你如何。每天都有很多很多的新鮮事,每天都有美丽的故事发生,此时,才刚刚过去一个月,就有这么多触动心灵的时刻想要记录,不知道接下来的时日里,我与我的学生还会有怎样的“化学反应”,碰撞出怎样的精彩……
  It was two o'clock in the morning when I finishedpreparing lessons-textbook study, course design and,manuscript translation; one lesson passed unconsciouslywhen I finished teaching the things in my slides inPortuguese; and after class, I finished my 30-minute walkto home so fast when I walked through street and watchedthe beautiful flowers and trees and moving clouds. I havealready been in Brazil for one month.
  The pace of life is slow here, and people look relaxedeven if they are busy with wo rk. Atmosphere here is happywith people hugging each other and chatting everydaywhen they meet. In just a month, I have established deepfriendship with them.
  Time flies in this small city, and gradually changedwhat I previously thought, I now hope that time can slowdown during the year.
  The campus I stay is the language center on Assiscampus of Sao Paulo State University (CLDP). A month ago,I made friends with my neighbor who invited me to havelunch at his house, which was my first lunch in this city.Although he is busy studying and working in the school,he always shows up when I need help. He took me to applyfor ID card in Brazil, and helped me buy gas and createa network account. If he was not available when I hadproblems at home, he would ask his mother to help me.I was very touched and lucky to meet him here. With hishelp, gradually I became familiar with the environmentand my work on the campus, and made friends with hisfriends. I am very happy everyday because I have such anenthusiastic translator in my work in CLDP.
  Now it is the coldest season in Brazil, but I feel verywarm because of people, buildings and everything elsehere.We Teach and Grow Together
  All the volunteer teachers coming here with me at thesame time have started work, and I also have started toteach. Before giving the course, I knew my first student atthe school's 60th anniversary. I could not quite understandPortuguese then, but we had a good talk as his major isabout how to use Portuguese to teach English.
  My students listened carefully in class, and saidthank you and goodbye to me courteously after class. I wassurprised and touched when I heard students at beginnerlevel l saying these words in Chinese after the first class.Each of them has said to me, "If you have any trouble, letme know."
  I always believe that "If you want long memory, youneed a short pencil", and that a computer cannot replacethe human brain. So I always write down the coursedesign and teaching steps of every lesson on the back ofwastepaper, which can help me memorize them as wellas make adjustments and improvements. I only learnedPortuguese for a month during the training period, soI tried to seize every opportunity to practice and learnPortuguese. I prepared printed or hand-written Portuguesemanuscripts for each lesson. I think I will have a sense ofachievement when I organize those manuscripts preparedfor lessons.   In the first class, I introduced myself to students,including my maj or and personality. I also told them therules for Chinese class, so that we could get on well. Theywere obedient in the classroom, even though sometimesthey whispered in class, got to class late, and had so manythings to say. But all those were good challenges enablingme to be their serious and hyperactive teacher and friend.
  Facing students at beginner level l, I want to continueto teach here. My requirements for them are mutualunderstanding, mutual help, confidence and bravery.In the first class, I told them not to worry about howaccurately they could speak, but to go for bold attempts.They overfulfilled the teaching plan for the first class bysimply imitating me. It must have something to do withmy maj or that I have got unexpected results without usingcommon methods.
  I have a student at beginner level 2, he is veryhandsome and has his own football team. He is also acoach at the school football team. We got along great as Iwas a coach for martial arts students and football refereeat my school. He invited me to watch the football match,and took me to exchange currency at the other end of thecity. We really felt like old friends. I could learn the footballculture in Brazil from him, and I was really happy becausethis is one of my wishes for this journey.
  In the top level class, there was a top student who hasstudied for one year in China three years ago and had justreturned to Brazil after studying in Japan for one year.In class, he could communicate with me in Chinese, andoffered help to other intermediate level students with theirChinese. Also, there was a 55 year- old student in that class,who was my oldest student and does best in knowledgeacquisition with the most standard pronunciation. Thatstudent was really amicable and admirable.
  There is another class that made me feel very warm.Soon after we met, students talked about "tofu", the foodthey loved. We complained that it was hard to buy tofu,and that it was difficult to write the Chinese characters of"tofu" in the right stroke order with so many strokes. Wetalked about Chinese food and cooked together at home.Considering cultural difference, they did not kiss or hugme when we met for the first time. But several days later,I tried to open my mind and do as the Brazilians. I feltcomfortable about that, and I thought I was well-adjustedto the culture.
  As my students study seriously, I will arrange moreactivities for more cultural experience, and accomplishwhat I can. My students really wanted to study martial arts,Tai Chi, and calligraphy. When I created my account inthe school, I came across a Tai Chi fan, who was a workerat the network center. He said, "If you teach martial arts,please tell me." Therefore, I think my value shows not onlyin teaching Chinese, but also in communicating with localpeople through fine Chinese culture and meets their needsthrough my skills.   I have fully realized that students will give you morehelp if you care and think for them.Work and Life, Full of Surprises
  There is a lovely team of teachers on Assis campus.My director, like a mother, took me to the market to buy anew stove and paid labor cost for me. Four male teachershelped me in many things. With their help, I had a veryhappy life. For example, they spent three days helpingme apply for a bank card without any complaints. To havedinner at the campus, you need both meal tickets andcertificates, but they help me stay away from the trouble.
  In the past four weeks, I have done better in cooking,and walked around in this small city. There are not highbuildings and large mansions here, but bungalows withgarages. I love the colors and shapes of those houses, aswell as cats and dogs in them. There are not famous scenicspots in this city, but I can see sceneries everywhere.
  I like to observe the characteristics of each city andseek their history. So I went out to enjoy the sceneryeach Saturday. When I walked around, I found a beautifulchurch, which might be the highest building in this city.
  The library of Assis campus is in a 400-year-oldbuilding, with books on the first floor and cultural centeron the second. It is really fully utilized and beautiful.
  Moreover, I was ve ry lucky to visit the HistoricMuseum of Taipa House. Those old houses, passed downthrough generations, looked simple. The house owner wasvery nice to take me to visit the next old building by car.The wind was blowing, but I still felt warmth!
  Life treats you the way you treat it. Every day is fullof new things and beautiful stories. I have just spent onemonth here, but there are so many touching moments thatI want to record. I wonder how many wonderful momentsthere will be between my students and me in the future...
摘要:新课改下的“管育并重”德育教学模式,必须要从高中班主任管理的角度来进行影响,在突出“管”与“育”的同时,也要从德育的角度来推进学生的多元化、全方位发展。在强调“管”与“育”的过程中,更是要在严格遵守规定的同时,以此来促进学生全方位的进步与发展。下面就来结合实际工作经验对此展开研究,希望本文的发表能够为广大高中班主任"管育并重"德育模式构建带来一定帮助。  关键词:高中班主任;“管育并重”;德
摘要:随着时代的进步,社会的发展,网络技术已经影响到了人们的生活,为了能融入现代、信息化、智能化的环境,各行行会都在积极地进行改革。各教育机构主动提出教学方法、互联网技术结合方案的可行性,各学校积极响应号召,创新教学模式。在初中物理实验教学中注重结合实际,在初中物理实验教学中引入微课模式,可以提高课堂教学效率。  关键词:微课;初中物理;实验教学;应用  在我国教育改革事业发展过程中,课堂要求以学
摘要:语文教学涉及方方面面,文言文是其中的核心内容。因为中学生基础和能力的不同,学习文言文有困难是正常的,学习的积极性不高,理解文言文的能力差。为确保教学质量,应鼓励学生预习前做好准备,并结合课堂教学中教师的讲解,提高学生学习文言文的主动性,培养学生的自主学习能力。笔者提出了一些切实可行的对策,以供教师参考。  关键词:初中文言文;课前预习;教学策略  一、预习文言文的现状  叶圣陶先生曾说过:「
教材、学情分析:  黄金分割是苏科版九年级下册§6.2内容。之前学生已学习了线段的比和成比例线段并掌握了比例的一些性质,积累了处理线段比值的数学活动经验。本课以此为基础,立足于学生已有的生活和数学活动经验,利用“挺拔秀丽的上海东方明珠电视塔塔体”、“芭蕾舞演员身体各部分之间适当的比例,给人以匀称、协调的美感”、“你最喜欢的矩形的调查结果”等实例,创设问题情境,引入黄金分割、黄金比的概念,举例说明黄
《语文课程标准》明确指出:“写作教学应贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应引导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感。”基于此,在习作教学时,应时刻注意引导学生把现实生活和自己的内心生活结合起来进行写作。这样,学生就易于动笔,乐于表达,能够多角度地观察生活,从而写出自己的个性。怎样使小学作文教学回归生活世界,以生活为本源,成为与生活交流,与生命对话的平台,使作文教学返璞归真呢?  一、以生活为
第二届孔子学院总部“开放日”在京举行  9月25日,第二届孔子学院总部“开放日”在京举行,主题为“文化交流与世界和平”。38个国家驻华使节,塞万提斯学院、俄罗斯文化中心等语言与文化推广机构代表,部分在京孔子学院中方合作院校代表和孔子学院来华奖学金生等约500人参加了各项活动。  开幕式下午2点开始,由孔子学院总部总干事、国家汉办主任许琳主持。开幕式上,中外学生为来宾们表演了扬琴、大提琴四重奏《掀起
我相信在每个人的心底都有一个美好的梦想。自从我与汉语、与中国结缘,在我的心底就有了一个梦想,一个中国梦。  去年快到暑假的时候,我开始变得十分不安,因为每到假期,我的汉语水平都会退步。为了避免这个“杯具”,我决定去我家乡的一家中国商店找份工作。  虽不知前路几何,我还是毅然出发了,目的地是一家唐人街。进了一家店铺后,我对经理说:“您好,我找工作”,我真希望你们能看到当时他脸上惊讶的表情。  这位经
摘要:随着国家素质教育改革理念的深入实施,在小学数学课程教学中,从培养学生核心素养的视角来进行教学体系的优化设计,能更好地促进学生全面发展,不断提升学生的数学素质和能力。本文首先阐释了小学数学课堂教学中培养学生数学核心素养的意义,并探索了小学数学教学中培养学生核心素养的策略,以供参考。  关键词:小学数学;核心素养;培育  在新课程改革大力发展的时代环境下,生硬地将知识灌输到学生脑海中已经成了过去
摘要:新时代背景下,高校日语专业课程教学承载着知识传授和价值引领的双重作用,作为日语专业课程教师,有义务在传授专业日语知识的同时,对学生进行思想政治教育,提升学生的文化自觉与自信,促进了中华优秀传统文化的传承与发展。本文首先从日语专业课程实施课程思政的必要性和可行性入手进行分析,结合目前国内高校日语专业课程思政的现状,最终寻求日语专业课程“课程思政”实施策略。  关键词:商务日语翻译;教学现状;教