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  At first glance, these photographs seem to show a scuba[水下呼吸器] diver[潜水者] exploring the depths of an underwater world. But if you look more carefully you will see a tree, a bridge and even a park bench.
  In fact these incredible[难以置信的] images show a diver crossing an Austrian lake that floods every year, covering everything in the surrounding area.
  Set among the snowy Hochschwab Mountains, the Green Lake in Tragoess, Austria, is normally only one metre deep.
  For most of the year, visitors to the scenic[景色优美的] spot can stroll[闲逛] around the beautiful lake, enjoying the stunning[极好的] landscape from one of the benches set near the water’s edge. They can wander[漫步] down several footpaths[人行道] and cross one of many small bridges. But every year from mid-May to June, when the snow melts, the lake floods and submerges[浸没] everything surrounding it.

  Around 12 metres of water covers trees, footpaths, benches and bridges. Gallons of clear, 7°C water doubles its size from 2,000sq metres to over 4,000sq metres.
  Diver Marc Henauer, from Perly, Switzerland, heard about the natural event and came to explore the lake for himself.
  The 39-year-old said, “When I was underwater, it felt like I was swimming in a magical world, it was so beautiful. Swimming over the green grass, flowers, paths, rocks and trees was like being in a fairy tale.
  “We were lucky that the sun created fantastic[极妙的] light rays through the water. My wife and I stayed there for seven days and we did three dives every day, spending one hour on each dive.”
  He added, “We only had a very short time to take images when the sun was in a perfect position. Diving is possible only for a month in the spring. Throughout the year the depth of the lake is too low. The visibility[可见度] is just incredible. Usually you only see water like this in tropical[热带的] seas.”
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