初中语文第五册第八单元共收入文言文四篇,古代诗、词、曲五首。其中,文言文的记叙、议论、散文各体具备,诗为近体诗中的五言律诗及七言绝句,词为双调,曲为小令。 学习古文要认真朗诵。本单元所选课文均为脍炙人口的名篇,可读性很强,容易记诵。通过反复诵读,可以增强对文言文的直接感受。朗读时要做到字音正确,停顿恰当,语气明显。要在粗知课文大意、领会文章主旨的基础上,反复练习,熟读成诵。
The eighth unit of the fifth volume of junior middle school Chinese language contains a total of four articles in classical Chinese, five ancient poems, words, and songs. Among them, the narrative, commentary, and prose of the classical Chinese are possessed by each body. The poems are the five-word and seven-character quatrains in the near-style poems. The words are dual-tone, and the songs are small orders. Learn the ancient texts carefully. The texts selected in this module are popular, highly readable and easy to remember. Through repeated reading, you can enhance the direct experience of classical Chinese. When you read aloud, you must make correct pronunciation and sound, pause properly, and have obvious tone. It is necessary to repeat practice and familiarize yourself with Cheng-Yi on the basis of understanding the meaning of the text and understanding the main purpose of the article.