Correlation between TAMs and proliferation and invasion of type endometrial carcinoma

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q372245556
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Objective: To explore the correlation between tumor-associated macrophages and the proliferation and invasion of type endometrial carcinoma. Methods: Immunohistochemistry was used to investigate the infiltration of macrophages in normal and different types of hyperplastic endometrial lesions. The proliferation and invasion ability of type endometrial carcinoma cell line RL95-2 influenced by mononuclear macrophage cell line THP-1(constructed M2 type macrophages) was detected by CCK8 and transwell technologies respectively. Transwell was used to evaluate the recruiting ability of RL95-2 on THP-1 cells. Otherwise, the western blot was also used to detect the expression of Cyclin D1 and MMP-2 in RL95-2 with the influence of THP-1. Results: Immunohistochemistry result showed a positive correlation between the number of infiltrating macrophages and the progression of endometrial hyperplasia.THP-1 recruited by RL95-2 could promote its proliferation and invasion and enhance the expression of the Cyclin D1 and MMP-2 protein in a time dependent manner(P<0.05). Conclusions: Increase of the number of infiltrating macrophages and its contribution to the tumor inflammatory microenvironment may result in the development of the type endometrial carcinoma. Objective: To explore the correlation between tumor-associated macrophages and the proliferation and invasion of type endometrial carcinoma. Methods: Immunohistochemistry was used to investigate the infiltration of macrophages in normal and different types of hyperplastic endometrial lesions. The proliferation and invasive ability of type endometrial carcinoma cell line RL95-2 modified by mononuclear macrophage cell line THP-1 (constructed M2 type macrophages) was detected by CCK8 and transwell technologies respectively. Transwell was used to evaluate the recruiting ability of RL95-2 on THP-1 cells. Otherwise, the western blot was also used to detect the expression of Cyclin D1 and MMP-2 in RL95-2 with the influence of THP-1. Results: Immunohistochemistry result showed a positive correlation between the number of infiltrating macrophages and the progression of endometrial hyperplasia. THP-1 recruited by RL95-2 could promote its proliferation and invasion and enhance the expression of t Conclusions: Increase of the number of infiltrating macrophages and its contribution to the tumor inflammatory microenvironment may result in the development of the type endometrial carcinoma.
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