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  Suzanna: Hey, Harold. Congratulations on graduating!
  Harold: Hey, Suzanna! Thanks, and same to you!
  Suzanna: So, do you know where you’re going yet? Got any good job leads?
  Harold: Leads? I’ve got better than that. ①I’ve got a real, bona-fide offer!
  Suzanna: Congratulations! You always were one step ahead of the rest of the class. So where are you off to?
  Harold: ②None other than Beijing! The company’s headquarters is in the CBD.
  Suzanna: Company headquarters? Beijing? CBD? ③You’re in the big leagues now!
  Harold: Not really. It’s just an entry-level position, so I haven’t “arrived” just yet. And besides, Beijing comes with its own set of difficulties, like paying the rent.
  Suzanna: Yeah, I’ve heard the housing situation is pretty competitive over there. Have you found an apartment?
  Harold: Not yet. There are some nice places near my new job, but they’re all out of my price range.
  Suzanna: ④Housing prices have been creeping up lately. Have you looked at the suburbs?
  Harold: I don’t think I want a long 1)commute. I hear Beijing’s transportation is pretty crowded.
  Suzanna: It’s 2)legendary. I remember seeing videos of hundreds of people squeezed into trains like 3)sardines.
  Harold: If I live way out in the suburbs then it will be easier to get on the subway, maybe even get a seat. But then I’d be on the train for over two hours every day, which is not something I’m willing to put up with.
  Suzanna: You could bring a book. Two hours of reading time every day sounds like a pro, not a con. Your commute doesn’t have to be wasted time, you know!
  Harold: We can’t all be as cultured as you, Sue. ⑤I’d be bored to tears.
  Suzanna: What about getting a roommate? Sharing an apartment can make it more affordable.
  Harold: It could. ⑥The problem is, I don’t know anybody in Beijing, and I don’t want to get locked into a lease with some stranger who could turn out to be my worst nightmare.
  Suzanna: Point taken.
  Harold: I wish I’d started looking earlier. I hear that prices are better around the new year, when everybody leaves the city and goes home.
  Suzanna: Really? You mean you can get a better price just for renting at a specific time of year?
  Harold: It’s unbelievable, isn’t it? Makes me wonder why the prices are this high to begin with. I’m afraid that no matter where I live, I’ll still be getting 4)fleeced.   Suzanna: ⑦That’s the price you pay for living in the big city, I guess. What if you tried to find a landlord directly, instead of going through an agent?
  Harold: I’d love to. ⑧These agents all seem like used car salesmen. Problem is, I’ve never been to Beijing, so I’m stuck with what I can find online.
  Suzanna: Well, you could go there without an apartment, and just stay in a hotel until you get things figured out.
  Look for local ads in grocery stores or on bulletin boards. Living with students, or close to a university is a good way to find cheap housing.
  Harold: Aw, man. And here I thought I was ready to move on from the university lifestyle!
  Suzanna: One step at a time, big guy!
   Smart Sentences
  ① I’ve got a real, bona-fide offer! 我找到一份货真价实的好工作!
  bona-fide: authentic; genuine, real(真正的,真诚的)。例如:Look at Ray’s sales figures. He is a bona-fide superman.
  ② None other than Beijing! 当然是北京啊!
  none other than sb./sth: used to emphasize the person or thing is the only possibility(用以强调某人或某事是惟一的可能)。例如:
  The colossal mistake was made by none other than Mr. Carelessness, John Thompson!
  ③ You’re in the big leagues now! 你现在加入高大上企业了!   the big league: the highest level of one’s profession or field of activity(某个领域里的高大上)。例如:
  Why are you so excited? It’s not like you got an offer from one of the companies in the big league.
  ④ Housing prices have been creeping up lately. 最近房价一直在慢慢上涨。
  creep up: advance stealthily or unnoticed(不知不觉中发展)。例如:
  The price of food is creeping up these days, but our salary has remained the same.
  ⑤ I’d be bored to tears. 这样我会闷死的。
  bored to tears: extremely bored(非常无聊)。例如:
  As Mr. Randall went on and on with the technicalities of the new product, everyone was bored to tears.

  ⑥ The problem is, I don’t know anybody in Beijing, and I don’t want to get locked into a lease with some stranger who could turn out to be my worst nightmare.但问题是,我在北京一个人也不认识,我不想跟一个可能会成为我噩梦的陌生人绑在一起。
  get locked into: bonded to sth. and cannot escape easily(受某事约束,不能轻易解脱)。例如:
  You should not get your mortgage locked into a high interest rate.
  ⑦ That’s the price you pay for living in the big city, I guess. 我想,这就是你住在大城市所要付出的代价。
  pay the price: the negative consequences sb. has to suffer for doing sth.(做某事的代价)。例如:
  Losing good employees is usually the price you pay when you restructure a business.
  ⑧ These agents all seem like used car salesmen. 这些中介看起来都像二手车销售员一样不可靠。
  used car salesman: sb. who is a smooth talker, but not very honest or reliable(能说会道,却不太诚实、可靠之人)。例如:
  —Why did you dump the new boyfriend so fast?
  —Oh God, he talked like a used car salesman. Not my type.
摘要:英语谚语形象地反映出英语国家的价值观念,同时其鲜明的艺术性使学生易于接受。因此,英语教师通过谚语教学使学生吸取其有益部分是培养大学生品质素养的有效形式之一。  关键词:英语谚语;价值观;品质素养    Abstract: English proverbs vividly reflect the values of native English speakers. In addition, t
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摘 要:英语口语教学素材一直是教师选择的难题,盲目选取课外材料作为口语教学素材会对学生的学习造成一定的负担。笔者以普通英语教材为基础,结合口语教学目的,对其内容进行创新设计和编排,旨在以易于学生接受的材料为内容,促进学生的口语练习和语言逻辑的养成。  关键词:教材设计;英语教学;口语提升  英语口语作为英语综合水平的一项重要指标,已经成为当下英语课堂教学的重点。但是由于部分教师的能力和观念的限制,