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期待着,期待着,第四届中学生古诗文阅读大赛的脚步近了……在过去的三年中,一批又一批热爱古典诗文、有着扎实古诗文功底的学生在本刊举办的“中学生古诗文阅读大赛”中脱颖而出,获得各类奖项,成为同龄学生中的佼佼者。优美的古典诗文,跨越了时间的长河,在当代中学生的心灵上产生了共鸣,他们对古诗文的热爱和理解, 他们有感而发的文字,足以让我们相信:中华民族优秀的传统文化,一定会代代相传。在与读者的交流中, 我们发现:大家关心的似乎并不仅仅是他们的获奖,更想知道他们获奖背后的故事,以及他们各自不同的钟爱古诗文的理由;而对于高三年级的获奖者, 人们似乎更在意他们最终选择了怎样的专业、进入了哪一所高校。去年的第三届中学生古诗文阅读大赛中,有5位高三学生获得了D组的一等奖。今年高考过后,他们究竟走向了哪里?古典诗文在他们的眼里究竟是一道怎样的风景?让我们随着本刊记者的视线,去解读他们的古诗文之缘—— Looking forward to and looking forward to, the fourth middle school students ancient poetry reading competition is close... In the past three years, a group of students who love classical poetry and have a solid foundation of ancient poetry and literary skills have been held in this magazine.” The middle school student ancient poetry reading competition "has emerged and won various awards, becoming the best of the same age students. The beautiful classical poems, which span the long river of time, have resonated with the hearts of contemporary middle school students. Their love and understanding of ancient poetry and writing, they have sentimental words that are enough to convince us that the Chinese nation’s outstanding traditional culture It will be passed on from generation to generation. In our interactions with readers, we have found that people seem to care not only about their awards, but also about the stories behind their awards and their different reasons for loving ancient poetry. For the winners of the third year of higher education, People seem to care more about what kind of specialty they ultimately chose and which college they entered. In the third middle school students ancient poetry reading competition last year, five high school students won the first prize in the D group. After the college entrance examination this year, where did they go? What kind of scenery is the classical poetry in their eyes? Let’s read the fate of their ancient poetry with the eyes of our correspondent -
您去过水乡无锡吗?您若亲临此地千万不要忘记给家人带点当地的名产——无锡油面 Have you been to the water town of Wuxi? If you come here do not forget to bring som
保罗·策兰(Paul Celan,1920——1970)和英格褒·巴赫曼(Ingeborg Bachmann,1926——1973)于一九四八年五月在维也纳认识,并相爱。然而,他们相处只有两个月,策兰是来自罗马尼
杜甫是我国唐代著名诗人,他始终热情地关注民族命运和民众疾苦,写出了大量关心时 Du Fu was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty in China. He always enthusiastically fo