目的了解1998年特大洪水对安徽省血吸虫病流行的影响。方法对全省灾情以及灾区钉螺和感染螺分布、灭螺工程的水毁程度、人群接触疫水、急性感染的发生、灾后延迟效应以及溃堤地区溃破后居民血吸虫感染情况等进行全面调查。结果1998年特大洪水使60个灭螺设施遭受不同程度的毁损;与1997年相比,人群接触疫水人数增加了2.32倍;急性感染和疑似急性感染病例数上升61.73%和345.45%。灾后延迟效应非常明显,人群 IHA 阳性率上升了31.16%,感染螺环境处数上升了23.01%。圩堤溃破地区,溃破后居民 IHA 阳性率上升了93.04%,粪检阳性率上升了17.57%。结论1998年特大洪水对安徽省血吸虫病流行产生了很多直接和间接的影响,必须积极采取有效的防范措施,防止疫情的加重。
Objective To understand the impact of the 1998 extraordinary flood on the prevalence of schistosomiasis in Anhui Province. Methods A comprehensive investigation was carried out on the disastrous situation in the whole province, as well as the distribution of snails and snails in the affected areas, the degree of water damage caused by the snail works, the population exposure to infectious water, the occurrence of acute infections, the post-disaster delay effect, and the infection of schistosomiasis residents after the breakup in the embankment area. Results As a result of the 1998 floods, 60 mollusc snails were destroyed in varying degrees. Compared with 1997, the number of people exposed to the polluted water increased by 2.32 times. The number of acute and suspected acute infections rose by 61.73% and 345.45% respectively. Post-disaster delay effect is very obvious, the population IHA positive rate increased by 31.16%, the number of infections spiral environment increased by 23.01%. In the area where the levees break up, the positive rate of IHA increased 93.04% and the positive rate of stool examination increased by 17.57%. Conclusion The 1998 floods have many direct and indirect impacts on the prevalence of schistosomiasis in Anhui Province. Active prevention measures must be taken to prevent the epidemic from worsening.