流行性乙型脑炎(简称乙脑)是一种由蚊虫媒介传播的自然疫源性疾病,主要侵犯15岁以下的儿童[1],且病情重,病死率高,部分病例恢复后有神经系统后遗症[2]。为了解乙脑流行规律,及时发现和控制疫情,仙居县于2005—2012年对中、小学生乙脑抗体进行监测,结果报道如下。1对象与方法1.1对象每年随机抽取仙居县的城区和农村小学、初中、高中学生各30~50名,2005—2012年共监测中、小学生1 518名,其中男生805名,女生713名。1.2方法于乙脑流行前期和后期无菌采集双份静
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a natural foci transmitted by mosquito vectors and mainly affects children under the age of 15 years [1], and is seriously ill and has a high case fatality rate. In some cases, nerves System sequelae [2]. In order to understand the epidemic of JE and to detect and control the outbreak in time, Xianju County monitored the JE antibody in primary and secondary schools from 2005 to 2012 and the results are reported as follows. 1 Subjects and Methods 1.1 Subjects Every year, 30 to 50 students from urban and rural primary and secondary schools and from high schools in Xianju County are randomly selected. Among them, 1 518 are enrolled in primary and secondary schools in 2005-2012, of which 805 are boys and 713 are girls. 1.2 Methods Prevalence of pre-J and pre-and post-aseptic acquisition of double static