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该研究探讨了中─重型闭合性脑外伤患者及对照被试(各17名)在对单个汉字不同水平的加工后,其外显记忆(自由回忆、再认)和内隐记忆(汉字补笔起动效应)的若干特点。发现:患者组外显记忆受损而内隐记忆正常;两组被试在深层意义加工中的外显记忆均强于在浅层表面加工中的外显记忆,这种语义易化现象以耗费更多的认知努力为代价,其中患者组耗费的尤多,而记忆效率却不及对照组。综上,脑外伤患者记忆功能呈损伤和保存双重性。 This study explored the medium-heavy closed brain trauma patients and control subjects (17 each) in a single Chinese characters at different levels of processing, its explicit memory (free recall, re-recognition) and implicit memory Starting effect) of the number of features. It was found that the explicit memory of the patient group was impaired and the implicit memory was normal. The explicit memory of the two groups of participants in the deeper meaning processing was stronger than that in the superficial surface processing. This semantic facilitation took much time More cognitive efforts for the price, which patients spend more than the group, while the memory efficiency is less than the control group. In summary, memory impairment in patients with traumatic brain injury and preservation of duality.
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这是一本矛盾的书,这是一本让人掩卷思索的书。 This is a contradictory book, a book that gives people a thought-provoking look.
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