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   1. ——Is Tom looking at the blackboard?
  A. Yes, he look at the blackboard
  B. No, he isn’t
  C. Yes, he looks at the blackboard
  D. No, he is
   2. ——What does Lin Tao like, football or basketball?
   ——____ I think basketball.
  A. I don’t have one.B. I’m not sure.
  C. I don’t think so.D. Don’t you know?
   3. How many ____ would you like?
  A. bottle of oranges B. bottles of orange
  C. bottles of oranges D. bottle of orange
   4.Let’s ____ what animal this is.
  A. guess B. think C. takeD. bring
   5.We have ____ for you as a reporter.
  A. jobB. works C. a workD. a job
   6.Anna wants ____ a pizza with olives and cheese.
  A. orderB. ordersC. to order D. ordering
   7.How do you arrive ____ Beijing and how do you get ____ Jiangxi Hotel?
  A. at, to B. in, to C. to, toD. to, in
   8.The hotel is ____ 25 Chang’an Street.
  A. on B. in C. at D. from
   9.Owen is a good football ____.
  A. play B. plays C. playing D. player
  10. ——What day is ____ today?
  ——It’s Monday.
  A. date B. hour C. time D. it
  11. The children are having ____ in the park.
  A. good time B. a good time C. good times D. the good time
  12. ____ fine weather it is!
  A. What a B. What C. How D. How a
  13. ——Thank you for your help.
  A. All right B. OK
  C. It’s a pleasure D. No thanks
  14. There’re many ____ on the big tree.
  A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leave
  15. ——What does Mrs Smith do?
  A. She’s Bill’s motherB. She’s at home
  C. She’s a nurseD. She’s from China
  Sun Jun’s home isn’t far from the school. It’s about 10 __1__ by bus. But he has a problem. The classes begin at a quarter to eight. He is often late for class.
  Sun Jun usually __2__ at six, but he gets up at half past six. So he is busy in the morning and sometimes he doesn’t have time to have __3__ for breakfast. He leaves home at ten past seven, but he is still late. He is sorry __4__ it.
  Today his mother is ill. She stays in bed all day. His father is out and he must look after her at home. He gives his mother medicine __5__ the right time. It’s twenty to eight __6__ now. He’s late again. He says with tears in his eyes, “Sorry, sir.” “That’s all right. You are a good boy!”
   1.A. secondsB. minutesC. hoursD. days
   2.A. stands upB. wakes upC. gets upD. climbs up
   3.A. somethingB. nothingC. anythingD. everything
   4.A. toB. atC. forD. with
   5.A. ofB. inC. onD. at
   6.A. rightB. justC. toD. at
  There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  Spring is a beautiful season. It’s from March to May. In spring, the trees turn green; the grass comes out. Everything looks new.
  Summer is a happy season. It’s from June to August. In summer, we can swim and eat a lot of ice cream. Of course, we have a long holiday, summer holiday! At that time, we can join the summer camp. That’s great.
  Autumn is a colorful season. It’s from September to November. In autumn, the trees and grass turn yellow. They’re different, light, dark, yellow and brown, sometimes red. The colors are beautiful.
  Winter is a white season. It’s from December to February. In winter, it begins to snow in most of China. Snow is white, and everything looks white. The boys and girls like playing with snow.
   1. Summer is from ____.
  A. March to MayB. June to August
  C. September to NovemberD. December to February
   2. In ____, the trees and grass turn yellow.
  A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter
   3. Can you play with snow in winter in most of China? ____.
  A. Yes, we canB. Yes, we can’tC. No, we canD. No, we can’t
  One day the students are having a painting lesson. Everyone begins to draw a picture. Xiao Ming is very free. When the bell rings for the break, Xiao Ming passes his picture to the teacher.
  The teacher looks at it and gets angry. “Why do you give me a piece of paper with nothing, Xiao Ming?” asks the teacher.
  “I’m sorry, sir. I draw a dog and some bread on the paper,” says Xiao Ming.
  “Where’s the dog and where’s the bread?” asks the teacher again.
  “I draw some bread first. When I finish drawing the dog, she eats up the bread. When I give it to you, she runs away,” says Xiao Ming.
   1. Xiao Ming is a ____.
  A. teacherB. studentC. workerD. farmer
   2. The students are busy ____.
  A. readingB. writingC. drawingD. talking
   3. The teacher is very ____ when he sees Xiao Ming’s picture.
  A. happyB. angryC. sadD. pleased
   4. Xiao Ming’s words make the students ____.
  A. sadB. angryC. laughD. pleased
  Fred goes home from school. He is hungry. And he has a lot of homework to do. He wants to play football with Tom, too.
  “Mum, I’m hungry.”
  “Well, there isn’t much milk, but there’s some fruit,” Mother says.
  “No, I don’t want any fruit; I’d like some bread.”
  “OK, but please don’t eat too much. We have dinner in an hour.”
  Fred eats some bread. Then he begins to do his homework. His mother goes to the supermarket to buy some milk and vegetables. When she comes back, Fred is still doing his homework.
  “Fred, you’re a good student; you are going to do well this year,” says Mother.
  “Oh, I forgot about football,” says Fred.
   1. What does Fred do after school? ____.
  A. Watches TV
  B. Does his homework
  C. Eats something
  D. Does his homework and then plays football
   2. What does Fred eat? ____.
  A. FruitB. BreadC. MilkD. Meat
   3. What does Fred’s mother do after Fred goes home? ____.
  A. She cooks at homeB. She watches TV
  C. She goes to the supermarketD. She eats at home
   4. Is Fred’s mother happy when she sees Fred still studying? ____.
  A. Yes, she isB. No, she isn’t
  C. I don’t knowD. I don’t think so
   5. Doesn’t Fred want to play football? ____.
  A. Yes, he doesB. No, he does
  C. Yes, he doesn’tD. Yes, he is
   1. In the afternoon, I ____ TV at home.
   2. Last Sunday, we saw many animals in the ____.
   3. He ____ to be an actor.
   4. The pandas are from ____.
   5. I’d ____ a pizza.
   6. What ____ shoes would you like?
   7. To be a policeman is kind of ____.
   8. Mary works in a TV station. She’s a ____.
   9. Monday is the ____ day of week.
  10. ——Why do they like pandas?
   ——____ they are funny and kind.
   1. A: Can I help you?
  B: What ____ I ____ ____ ____?
   2. A: They are enjoying themselves.
  B: They are ____ a good ____.
   3. A: What’s the weather like today?
  B: How ____ the weather today?
   4. A: How did you spend your weekend?
  B: ____ ____ you ____ ____ the weekend?
   5. A: I like apples best.
  B: ____ ____ fruit is apple.
  A: Excuse me!
  B: Yes? __1__
  A: Could you tell me the way to the West Park?
  B: __2__ Go along this street, then turn left at the second crossing.
  A: Oh! I’m sorry. I can’t follow you. __3__
  B: OK. Go along this street, then turn left at the second crossing. Goon until you reach the end of the street, then you’ll find it.
  A: __4__
  B: No, it isn’t. It will take you ten minutes to walk there.
  A: Thank you very much.
  B: __5__
  周杰伦是很受大家喜欢的乐坛天才,下面是他的档案,请你根据此档案提供的内容以My Favorite Singer为题写一篇短文,不能少于70个词。
  English Name: Jay Chow
  Birthday: Jan. 18, 1979
  Height: 173cm
  Weight: 60kg
  Favorite Sport: Basketball
  Favorite Singer: Usher, Babyface
  Favorite Color: Blue
  Favorite Food: Chicken
  Favorite NBA Player: Michael Jordan
  Hobbies: Songwriting, Movies
I.词汇考查。  根据首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词。  1.The students are taking phores with a nice c______.  2.There are many people on the bus.and it's c______.  3.Don't play soccer on the street.It's too d______.  4.I am ve
I’m Gina. I like go1 to a movie on weekends, and I also like basketball. My favorite is play2 piano3 for the reason that it is very graceful(优美). Now I’m in the piano club. There are many classmates t
Ⅰ.找出下列每组词中划线部分发音与众不同的选项    1. A. no B. zero C. one D. telephone  2. A. book B. look C. school D. notebook  3. A. mother B. sorry  C. not  D. clock  4. A. family B. that C. name D. thank  5. A. questio
1. Tom is too_____to say.  A. reached B. played C. excited D. wanted  2._____is it from your school to your home?  _____It's about 300 meters. It's near.  A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How  3
Unit 5     1. ——What are you doing? 你在干什么?  ——I’m watching TV. 我在看电视。  (1)一问一答两个句子均使用了现在进行时。watch及物动词,“观看;注视”,指带有欣赏性的观看,常指看电视、看比赛。例如:  Jim is watching a football game. 吉姆正在观看一场足球比赛。  (2)watch还可以用作名词,“
Ⅰ.词汇。(10分)  (A)用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。   1. My uncle is ____(swim) at the pool.   2. Her father often ____(go) to the movies with her mother on weekends.   3. We are ____(clean) the house.   4. Thank you
Ⅰ.单项选择   1. There is some ____ on the plate.  A. cakesB. meatC. potatoD. pears   2. Uncle Wang wants ____ the machine like a bike.  A. rideB. ridingC. ridesD. to ride   3. Tom usually goes to bed ____
Ⅰ.词汇 根据句意和括号中所给的单词或首字母或汉语提示填空,每空填一词。   1. I don’t want to go ____(shop), because there are many people in the shop.   2. My aunt is coming to see me, but I can’t w____ to see her.   3. Here is the w__
Ⅰ.词汇    A) 翻译下列短语。  1. 你的双肩背包____2. 他的文具盒____  3. 用英语____4. 一枚金戒指____  5. 失物招领____6. 电子游戏 ____  7. 一串钥匙____8. 她的字典 ____  9. 我的姓____ 10. 学生证 ____  B) 将括号中的字母按正确的顺序排列拼写单词,完成句子。  1.Is this your ____? (bc
英语课程标准明确提出,基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。英语写作是初中英语教学的一大重点,也是一大难点。中考写作教师难教,学生难学。如何辅导学生书面表达,使学生写出语法规范、内容健康,语言地道的优秀作文呢?    一、由简到难,循序渐进辅导