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我国各地区的冬季普遍地处于漫长的黑夜中,而夜晚的温度相较于白昼会变得更低,这就阻碍了施工队伍白天预期施工工作的完成,并提升了员工在夜晚施工的困难。由于工程建设的进度需要,有时不可避免的要进行冬期施工,我国气候条件的差异较大,特别是在北方冬季长达数个月的寒冷气候,寒冷的冬季容易出现大雪天气,施工队伍不得不针对降雪问题,做好除雪、化雪以及防滑、隔湿处理,既增加了施工的难度,又极大地延缓了正常的施工进度,给施工带来了很多困难。由于冬季施工中,钢筋、混凝土等工程普遍会深受气候环境影响,而呈现出难以进行质量控制的问题,这就需要设计与技术人员在短时间内,尽可能充分地考虑到各方面的特殊技术要求,编订出完善的冬季施工技术管理方案,以及施工各项工作标准。而技术人员通常难以在短时间内达到对于某区域气候状况、天气环境的有效认知,从而无法精准地预测雨雪等天气的出现,在技术手段选用以及进度安排、安全保障规划等方面,往往会出现一定的缺陷,从而阻碍到房屋建筑施工的顺利实施。所以,在这种环境的下施工,务必要采取一些特殊的施工防护措施,以保证建筑的正常施工。为此针对冬季施工的一些措施阐述几点见解。 Winter in various regions of our country is generally in the darkness of the night, while the night temperature becomes lower than daylight, which hinders the construction team from completing the construction work during the day and raises the staff's difficulties in construction at night. Due to the progress of the project construction and the inevitable winter construction, the climatic conditions in our country are quite different. Especially in the cold climate where the northern part of the northern part of China is cold for several months, and the cold winter is prone to heavy snow, the construction team has to For snowfall, snow removal, snow removal and antislip and wet separation treatments have not only increased the difficulty of construction but also greatly delayed the normal construction progress, which brought many difficulties to the construction. Due to the winter construction, steel, concrete and other projects are generally affected by the climatic environment, showing a difficult problem of quality control, which requires design and technical personnel in a short period of time, as fully as possible, taking into account all aspects of the special Technical requirements, to compile a sound winter construction technology management programs, as well as construction of various working standards. However, technicians usually find it hard to achieve effective cognition of climate conditions and weather conditions in a certain area in a short period of time, so that the occurrence of rain, snow and other weather can not be accurately predicted. In terms of selection of technical means and schedule, safety assurance planning, There will be some shortcomings, which hindered the smooth implementation of housing construction. Therefore, in this environment, construction, be sure to take some special construction protection measures to ensure the normal construction of the building. To this end some of the measures for winter construction elaborate a few insights.