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有位年轻朋友,大学毕业后分配到机关工作。在机关没一年,他感到机关工作太死板太机械,就“跳槽”到一国营厂。在厂没一年,赶上社会上经商办公司热,他又离开厂子自行创办公司。公司办起来不长时间,就因连连亏损而不得不关门。前不久,又回到机关工作的他,回想起这些年的经历,他不无感慨地告诉我:当初年轻气盛志高,但又缺乏经验,遇事欠思量,动辄“跳槽”,结果跳来跳去反跳回原处,真是自己苦了自己! 他的经历和体会耐人寻味,催人深思。固然,改革开放的大潮为年轻人提供了施展才能、大干一番事业的良好机遇。尤其是随着用工制度的不断改革,更为人们自由抉择职业创造了有利的条件。单位选择员工,员工选择单位,双方都有选择的权利和自由。这是我国劳动用工制度改革的一大进步,也是用工制度变革的必然趋势。然而.这种选择(特别是员工对单位的选择)应该是慎重而认真的。慎重并不是固步自封,更不是思想保守。慎重是一种成熟的表现。尤其对年轻人而言。这种慎重不仅是对所在单位的负责.也是对自己的负责。 A young friend, assigned to work at the university after graduation. In the absence of organs, he felt that organs were too rigid and too mechanical to “quit” to a state-run factory. In the factory one year, to catch up with the business community office business heat, he left the factory to set up their own companies. The company does not take long to do, because of the continuous loss and had to close. Not long ago, when he returned to work in the government, he reminded me of these years of experience without hesitation. When he was young and energetic but inexperienced, he failed to think about it and frequently switched jobs. Jump back to the original anti-jump, really bitter myself! His experience and experience intriguing, inspiring thinking. Of course, the tide of reform and opening up provides a good opportunity for young people to display their talents and make a big accomplishment. Especially with the constant reform of the employment system, people are free to choose their jobs and create favorable conditions. Units choose employees, employees choose units, both have the right to choose and freedom. This is a big step forward in the reform of the labor and employment system in our country and an inevitable trend in the reform of the labor system. However, this choice (especially employee-to-unit selection) should be cautious and serious. Prudence is not self-defeating, but not conservative thinking. Prudence is a mature performance. Especially for young people. This kind of prudence is not only responsible for the unit you are in. It is also responsible for yourself.
1 开辟“中国炼钢科学技术专家”专栏的目的  为了宣传“尊重知识、尊重人才” ,弘扬我国科技专家“献身、创新、求实、协作”的高尚情操和科学精神 ,让我国炼钢科技工作
这是一个死刑犯的日记和家信。 这是一个真实的故事! 笔者之所以录下这个死刑犯的内心独白,是因为它会给活着的人们以或多或少的启示。 1993年7月13日 星期二 晴 半个月的囚
The patterning technologies and process order of high TC(86K) super-conducting film bolometers have been studied. After the deposition, a conventional lithogra