How to Improve the College Students’ Listening Skills in CET4

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  [摘 要]阐述了大学生提高听力水平的重要性,并针对大学生英语听力水平较差的现状,提出了解决的方法和策略,如:,准确掌握语音、词汇、语法方面的基本知识,保证阅读练习与听力练习同时进行,多听多练,精听为主,泛听为辅,多掌握英语文化背景知识,克服心理障碍等,从而提高大学生的听力理解能力。
  [关键词]大学生; 听力水平;提高策略
  In order to measure the college students’ language application ability, the test part of
  Listening comprehension is increased to 35% and its accuracy should be not less than 70%, which requires the college students to attach much importance to listening test. Therefore, I will talk about my opinions of several effective listening skills.
  I. Practicing your basic language skills well
  Listening part in CET4 examines students’ abilities of having short-term memory, choosing crucial information, reasoning and judgment, utilizing the background knowledge and thinking in English, which requires students to pronounce, identify and interpret words and expressions clearly and correctly. Students should grasp at least all the vocabulary in The requirement of university English Curriculum and 4500 words in university English reference vocabulary list. If you meet new words while listening, you’d better guess their meanings by context, appositive, language environment and common sense. In addition, students should have an intimate knowledge of some fundamental grammar rules such as tense, voice, subjunctive mood, and comparative degree etc.What’s more, Commonly used oral and useful expressions have to be memorized.,which can not only enhance the sense of language but also improve your reaction speed of answering the questions.
  II.Developing your habits of good reading comprehension
  Listening activities are the ones of prediction and sifting. Therefore, it’s a good
  method to skim and scan the written materials the paper gives before listening and then integrate the correlative knowledge in our minds with them. Ultimately, students may predict the information they’ll hear. While reading rapidly, you don’t necessarily read from the beginning to the end. Effective reading can ensure the accuracy and find out the differences among the choices to listen and remember purposefully.
  1.Overcoming the habit of your pronunciation
  Remember not to read some unrelated words and phrases to waste time on worthless ones.
  2.Enlarging your reading unit
  Eg: A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.
  First:A/ friend / is / someone/ with / whom/ you / dare / to / be / yourself.
  Second:A friend / is someone/ with whom/ you dare to be yourself.   The first pronunciation is to read word by word, leading to the slow reading speed and not
  understanding of the main meaning of the sentence in such a short time. The second pronunciation
  is to read in accordance with the meaning, making the reading speed faster and making sure of the
  comprehensive quality.
  3. Learning to predict options
  It’s crucial to read the choices in advance before listening in CET 4.Try to search for the same words that appear twice or three times in four choices.The same words can indicate the direction of the question. However, the particular words show the details in listening materials, especially some nouns expressing time and place and other verbs.
  III. Strengthening reading practice
  Reading practice covers the skills of listening, speaking and reading. On the condition that
  you know the correct pronunciation of words, you will react to them in your mind. It’s no wonder that you can’t understand some word, which has been learned before, if you give it a wrong pronunciation. You’d better imitate native speakers of English, for instance, listening the tapes with a slower speed and following the speaker word by word or taking the online course by self- study. The most important thing is to hold on straight to the end and try your utmost to recite them according to the right pronunciation. I believe you can improve your English after practicing five or six passages.
  IV.The training method of listening practice
  Why are most of the students weak in listening? That’s because they practice less in daily training. Extensive listening and accurate listening are effective methods. Extensive listening only
  request to grasp the main idea so as to listen more words to feel and know the different speech sounds and intonations and then enhance your adaptive faculty.Don’t give it up when you don’t understand it in the process of listening. Every time you comprehend only a couple of words, you should feel proud of your process. On the other hand, accurate listening asks you to do the exercises while listening in order to control the skills of working out the problems, know question types and increase the speed and accuracy of answering the questions, which needs your strong ability of identifying different pronunciation (including reduced forms, incomplete plosion,intonation). Besides, It’s better to apply the listening skills to the practical exercises.   V. Breaking the nonverbal knowledge barrier
  Some students frequently said , “ I can’t choose the right answer, even though I understand every word of the conversations and sentences.” In this case, I want to tell them that it was because they were not familiar with the culture background of the passages. Consequently, students should take note of finding out historical cultures, cultural education and customs in western countries etc.It’s possible for you to enlarge your background knowledge by means of newspapers, magazines, books, broadcasts, news, the Internet and the contact with the foreigners.
  VI.Developing the good habits of answering questions and master the effective
  problem-solving skills
  CET 4 ,which has its own testing system and fixed pattern, is a test of examining the students’ comprehensive level.I believe that after a period of time of training, you can grasp some skills of working out the problems and get better grades in the following aspects.
  1. Training your ability of glancing over quickly and making prediction
  Before listening students only see the options. Remember to look through the choices during the limited time as much as you can and try your best to carry your point. First of all, you need to predict the content and question forms. Second, You may predict the words and expressions that appear in the passage. Third, you have to take important information down in shorthand. Don’t delay listening to look at the choices.
  2. Cultivating your ability of memorizing and recording
  While you concentrate your attention on listening, your eyes should move among the four choices and then you can choose one and write down some crucial and oblivious information. Take notes of key words, like nouns, verbs and adjectives.You can use some vivid symbols, pictures, arrowheads, lines to express the logical relation of context and passage structure.
  VII. Improving the psychological quality
  Good psychological quality and balanced state of mind have a direct impact on students’ level. They can decide whether students can pass the test to some extend. How do we improve our
  psychological qualities? On the one hand, students realize their own real English level.Don’t be conceited or confident. You should set the goals that you want to achieve according to your factual situations. On the other hand, immediately you enter the examination room, you have to put yourself in the condition of examination. Take it easy when you have trouble with some questions. Learn to give them up then choose one freely and maintain throughout a steady state of mind to devote yourself to the rest of the questions.
  It’s infeasible to improve our listening skills in the short term.Students should establish the good basic skills of language in order to study English further , including vocabulary, grammar, basic sentence structure and cultural customs of western countries. What’s more,students should master the skills of working out the problems and have good psychological quality and balanced state of mind. Only in this way will students improve their listening and get satisfactory grades in CET 4.
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  [2] 杨晓妍. 影响大学生听力水平提高的因素及对策[J]. 考试周刊, 2009(31).
  [3] 高小娟.中国大学生英语听力理解学习策略研究[D].四川大学,2003.
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