Research and application of children's lamps in the home environment

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  【Abstract】:In recent years, the product design and growth in the continuous development of our country, children's products are more and more concerned about the children's lamp is a special kind of lamps and lanterns, because its design object and design method are quite special, so than the general lighting design is more delicate in the design process. The appliucation of children's elements in the design of desk lamps is the development of modern science and technology and the change of people's needs. This development will make people's life more interesting and interesting. In the era of change, children's lamp design is good or bad concern is designed to keep colleagues and parents of children Home Furnishing lighting design environment is based on this situation, children's lighting design results from multiple perspectives on the future of the related lighting design play an important guiding significance.
  【Key words】: Children's lamps; home environment; lighting design
  Chapter one Introduction
  With the continuous development of economy, children's products more and more attention, from the previous may satisfy the needs of children's products production and design concept evolves gradually to a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of children, for children to come of age children's products tailored to people. Children's lamps, except for schools, spend most of their time studying, playing and other activities in their homes, and families are equipped with a variety of lamps for their children's needs.
  1.3 Research purpose and significance
  Design and analysis of children's lamps, through the in-depth study of the design of children's lamps, analysis of children's psychological characteristics, resulting in the design of children's design factors, such as affection, aesthetic features. Again, understanding the physiological characteristics of children, the children's machine related data and characteristics of these children from the psychological to children's emotional research process and content of man-machine theory will become the designer's reference related product design after the. This paper combined with the characteristics of children's design factors on the lamps are suitable for children's analysis, analysis and structure analysis of lighting lamps function materials and colors are what impact analysis of children's lighting lamp design analysis of the characteristics of what kind of method is more suitable for their children's tactile vision, interesting design, bionic design, green design will play what role.   Chapter two Overview of children's lamps
  2.1 Problems and deficiencies in the design of children's lamps at present stage
  With the continuous development of the economy, the designers have the ability to design and produce more in-depth look at children's lamp, in the lighting design for children at the same time, all aspects of the problem will come out in front, but some people did not find. First of all, from the appearance, "bionic" trend of the spread, children's lighting design manufacturers blindly imitate the bionic, from an economic point of view is to meet the children's consumer groups, but only to imitate but not to go, is a modern children's lamp "planned commodity abolished", by consensus the abolition of the type form, regularly launch new children's lighting design or other types, so that children in other aspects of previously purchased and outdated, with the new "bionic" child lamps again induced consumption, so the design is not conducive to the development of children's lamps is also on the current energy caused unnecessary waste.
  Chapter three Analysis of the relationship between children's lamp design factors and home environment
  3.1 Functional factors of children's lamps
  Design of lighting design is not a shade, not only the design of children's lamps require a simple appearance for the premise, in the technology and the form of unity, different functions of lighting lamp design determines the direction of. Children's concept of lamps function is fuzzy, additional features, in addition to children's lamp light lamps, children there are additional functions, these functions are considered children needs to be added, such as clock function, can let the children know the time to record their work learning time to play. So the selection and design of the additional function of children of the luminaire has an important influence on children, while children of lamp design must analyze the characteristics of different stages of Qing children, choose appropriate additional functions, so as to improve the lighting effects to children.
  Chapter fou Summary
  The thesis combines the light factors and factors of the children of structure, function, material and color of the lamp from the children's perspective, that fully reflects the children on the lamp of these factors different feeling and aesthetic appreciation, strong grasp of children characteristics factors in lamps. Secondly, discuss on the design method and principle, the method and principle of mutual integration, the principle of comprehensive design method, make originally single biased theory has been balanced and make up, forming a comprehensive children's lighting design theory. Finally, the design practice, based on the theoretical results, by drawing on the lamp design and excellent case, make the necessary improvements, new design applied to children's lighting design practice, thus a strong show of theory.
  Reference documentation
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【摘要】:随着经济的快速发展,人民群众对文化的需求也日益上升。群众舞蹈是目前广大群众最喜欢的文化休闲项目,其在群众文化建设工作中有着很大的作用。舞蹈能够让群众进行身心锻炼,并且丰富其生活和精神。在这种情况下,群众舞蹈的创作与编导就极其重要。本文就对群众文化舞蹈的创作思维以及编导法则进行了详细的阐述。  【关键词】:群众舞蹈;创作思维;编导法则  舞蹈本身是一门肢体语言艺术,使用各种姿势的舞蹈对自己
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