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  This straight highway is leading us to the largest city in Scotland, Glasgow. The contrast between the fast-running cars and the quiet country scene is impressive. When you enter the downtown area, anyone can feel the lively atmosphere in the city.
   Though Glasgow is known as a large modern city, it is actually both traditional and modern. The bagpipe1 competition or the Highland Games is a tradition. Every year, there are several piping contests, attracting thousands of people who can fill a whole football field. Dressed in colorful Scottish kilts2, participants from different areas gather to play traditional Scottish music with bagpipe. There are two kinds of bagpipe music, classical, and light music, which is used for dancing. The history of the pipe dates back to the 9th century A.D. and bagpipes have been found in Europe since the 13th century. It was originally a folk music instrument. In the 15th century some were used for court music instruments and others were used for war.
   The Scottish people think tradition is important. When they play, they dress up in traditional costumes called kilts with knee socks, and the sound of the pipes leaves people with a beautiful and unforgetable impression. For people from Glasgow, to take part in a bagpiping competition is a great honor. While the bagpipers are playing, the leaders of the bands compete too, juggling their batons3. At the other end of the football field, accompanied by the pipes, these children are having a traditional Scottish dance competition. Though the dance is simple, the jumping and swirling steps are full of life and grace. The children, dressed in traditional costumes, are involved in their dances, demonstrating the tradition and pleasing everyone.
   Glasgow at night is especially beautiful. The buildings tell stories of the glorious past of Glasgow. Glasgow is so beautiful. Pipe music is so beautiful. We hope this beauty and lovely melody will be with us for ever and ever.

  张丽萍 摘译自Traveling
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