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   Do you make him kiss your butt so often he needs knee-pads, or are you the one who’s whipped? Find out.
  1.When you two get into a fight, how do you deal with it?
  A. Stew for a bit, then try to talk it out.(1)
  B. Kiss and apologize immediately.(3) C. Throw a tantrum.(0)
  2. You accompany your man to his old frat buddy’s birthday party and are so bored. You:
  A. Get another cup of drink. (3)
  B.Say “C’mon, I want to leeeeeave!”(0)
  C.Strike a deal: You’ll stay if he comes to your pal’s party next week.(1)
  3.When are you likely to spoil him with a fab meal or massage?
  A. Whenever. He’s a hot guy, and if you don’t give him TLC, he’ll W-A-L-K.(3)
  B. After you’ve yelled at him or hurt him in some other way and feel a tad guilty.(1)
  C.When he has news worthcelebrating or after he’s done you a favor.(0)
  4 . Pretend your man was just invited to a party at the PlayboyMansion. You’d:
  A. Secretly cringe but tell him to enjoy himself —and buy him a disposable camera and a water gun so he can have fun.(3)
  B. Beg him not to go and if he went any way, you’d call him incessantly on his cell.(1)
  C. Say okay, but joke that you’ll beat a crazier club.(0)
  5. Who shows up late more often when you meet for dates?
  A. Him. But it’s no big deal .(3)
  B. You. Every woman shouldkeep her man waiting just a little.(0)
  C. Both of you are equally punctual.(1)
  6.Are you more excited to talk about his day —or yours?
  A. Yours, naturally!(3)
  B. Depends on who has more going on.(1)
  C. His—you feel selfish blabbing first.(0)
  7.How often do you expect your guy to pay for things?
  A. Let’s put it this way.(0)
  B.You’ll swipe the tab occasionally.(1)
  C. You wind up footing the bill a lot of the time, but that’s okay —you don’t really mind.(3)
  8. Do you ever make your man sit in boutiques while you shop?
  A.Never! He’d laugh in your face.(0)
  B.That’s the story of your weekend.(1)
  C.Occasionally, but you’ve also endured Zippo or Levis.(3)
  1. 当你们吵架时你如何处理?
  A. 先忍让一会,然后说出来。(1分)
  B. 马上亲吻对方并道歉。(3分)
  C. 发脾气。(0分)
  2. 你和男友去参加他老朋友的生日宴会,发现索然无味,你会……
  C.想一个主意:如果他答应下星期参加你朋友的宴会,你就再待一会儿。( 1分)
  3. 你什么时候才有可能用一顿丰盛大餐或者按摩去取悦你的男友?
  4. 如果有人邀请你的男友去参加在花花公子豪宅举办的宴会,你会:
   B.求他不要去,如果他坚持去的话,就不停地打他的 电话。( 1分)
   C. 告诉他没问题,不过告诉他你要去一家更疯狂的俱乐部。(0分)
  5. 当你们约会时,谁迟到的次数多?
  A. 他。但这并不重要。(3分)
  B. 你。每个女人都应该让她的男友等上一小会儿。(0分)
  C. 你们俩都很准时。(1分)
  6. 你更喜欢跟他谈论他生活中的事情还是你生活中的事情?
  A. 自然是你的!(3分)
  B. 主要看谁的事情多。(1分)
  C. 他的。因为你觉得先喋喋不休地说自己的事情太自 私了。(0分)
  7. 你希望你的男友经常帮你付钱购物吗?
  A. 可以这样说。(0分)
  B. 你有时也自己花钱。(1分)
  C. 几乎都是你买单,不过没关系,你不介意。(3分)
  8. 你在购物时让男友坐在商店里吗?
  A. 决不!他会笑话我的。(0分)
  B. 那是我们周末的共同时光。(1分)
  C. 偶尔,但你也要忍受陪他去买打火机或衣服。
  0~9points:Congratulation, you are almost his princess, but please be softer to him, he is not your slave.
  10~17 points:You are a nice couple.
  18~24 points:You depend too much on him, don’t spoil him.
  0~9分: 恭喜你,你差不多是他的公主了,但请对他再温柔一点,他可不是你的仆人。
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