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古人说:风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳;家事、国事、天下事,事事关心。历史的深处走来年轻的共和国,在新中国50岁的今天,那些只关心柴米油盐酱醋茶的人们也越来越关注天下大事了。因为,天下事,事事连着家事和国事。说来也怪,现在日子过得好了还常常想起小时候的事情,那时候,几乎所有的家庭都在为“三大件”奋斗着,谁家先置办了手表、缝纫机和自行车,谁家的门楣似乎都光耀起来。眼瞧着历史来了个三级跳,你我对看着,大家都成了“有产阶级”。时下,老百姓街头巷尾居然侃起了入股、入网和“入世”;如今,“三大件”的涵义进入了电脑、房子、小汽车阶段。世界贸易组织也知道咱中国人不甘落后的心愿,新任总干事穆尔就大声承诺:将尽一切努力,帮助包括中国在内的发展中国家从更为自由的全球贸易中获益。世贸组织的闸门一开,对中国民族工业将带来一波又一波脱胎换骨的震动和冲击。“入世”是好事还是坏事,明眼人一看便知。朱镕基总理在回答英国《金融时报》记者提问时讲过这样的话:“中国进行恢复JATT(关贸总协定)的地位和进入WTO(世贸组织)已经谈判了13年,黑头发都谈成白头发了,该结束这个谈判了。”万事俱备,只欠东风。中国,已面对着WTO的大门,迟早之间宿愿必成。我们瞩目着…… The ancients said: The wind, the sound of rain, the sound of reading, the sound of the ear; family, state affairs, things in the world, everything concerned. In the depths of history, young Republics have come. In China today, 50 years old, those who are only concerned about sesame sauce and vinegar tea are also paying more and more attention to events in the world. Because everything is in the world, everything is connected with family and state affairs. It’s strange to say that now that people have had a good life, they often think of things as a child. At that time, almost all families are fighting for the “big things,” who first set up watches, sewing machines, and bicycles. The threshold of the home seemed to glow. Looking at history, a three-step jump occurred. You and I looked at each other and everyone became a “proletariat.” Nowadays, the streets and lanes of ordinary people have actually started to invest in shares, access to the Internet, and accession to the WTO; today, the meaning of the “big three items” has entered the stage of computers, houses, and cars. The World Trade Organization also knows that the Chinese people are not willing to lag behind. The new Director-General Moore promised loudly that he will do everything possible to help developing countries, including China, to benefit from more free global trade. The opening of the WTO’s gates will bring waves and shocks to the Chinese national industry. “Acceding to the WTO” is a good thing or a bad thing. In response to a question from a British Financial Times reporter, Premier Zhu Rongji said: “China’s resumption of the status of the JATT (General Agreement on Tariff and Trade) and the entry into the WTO (WTO) have been negotiating for 13 years, and black hair has become white. It’s time for the hair to finish this negotiation.“ ”Everything is ready and we just owe it." China has already faced the WTO’s door, and will sooner or later become a long-cherished wish. We are watching...
南下杭州学习做包子的绝活 1995年8月,寇祖轲的包子铺开张时,一切都显得寒酸、困窘。店面是自家在沈阳市沈河区热闹路上一间不到15平方米的小屋,蒸包子的用具是从日杂店买回
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5557长空铁拳@崔文斌 5557 long iron fist @ Cui Wenbin
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