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当今是一个信息化时代,好像干什么事都离不开互联网,移动互联网的出现改变了人们原来的许多生活方式,如通过互联网看书看报、网上商城购买相比现实生活便宜的商品、进行社交等等。移动互联网的出现对传统纸媒造成了强大的冲击,部分小型报刊已经出现了停业整顿的现象,本文将对移动互联网时代下造成传统纸媒窘境的原因进行细致的分析,并提出科学有效的解决措施。 Today is an information age, as if doing nothing can not do without the Internet, the emergence of mobile Internet has changed many of the original way of life, such as reading newspapers and magazines through the Internet, online shopping mall to buy goods compared to real life cheaper, social Wait. The emergence of mobile Internet has brought a powerful impact on traditional paper media. Some small newspapers and magazines have already appeared the phenomenon of suspension of business and rectification. This article will make a detailed analysis of the reasons for the traditional paper-based media dilemma in the era of mobile Internet and put forward scientific and effective solutions.
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